1. NAME, talk with me about your experience with getting client bus passes from our department.
  2. When did that first start?
  3. How did it come about?
  4. Have you gotten them every month since then? (If no: how often?)
  5. How many do you receive at a time?
  6. What do you use them for?
  7. Do you recall asking NAME if she could provide bus passes to you for your children?
  8. What did you say to NAME?
  9. Did you tell her that you had been getting them from NAME?
  10. How often had NAME provided bus passes to you? How many bus passes per month?
  11. Do you know of anyone else who has obtained bus passes from NAME?
  12. Do you remember telling NAME, “Oh come on, I bet you he sells them!”?
  13. Has any other staff provided you with Department-issued bus passes?
  14. Is there anything else you can tell me about this matter?
  15. You need to inform me immediately if someone approaches you about the issue we just discussed.