Section 12 of Civil Service Commission Rule XI provides that employees may transfer from one position to another in their same classification. This rule also states that employees who transfer to a position in the same classification, but into another department, may be required by the gaining department head to start a new probationary period. You should note that Section 12 of Rule XI also requires that, if a new probationary period is required for a transfer, the employee must sign a statement on the Request for Transfer or Voluntary Demotion Form indicating an understanding that a new probationary period is in effect. This form is also signed by Human Resources and the gaining department, with a transfer date effective the first day of a pay period.
For the purposes of the Civil Service Commission Rules, entities such as the Health System, Human Services Agency, and Sheriff’s Office, for example, are considered to be separate departments. Thus, employees transferring to the same classification within a department (e.g. from Public Health to Behavioral Health and Recovery Services) cannot be required to start a new probationary period.