Alleged Discourtesy to Client – Sample Interview Questions
A client contacted me to complain about what she considers to have been inappropriate comments directed from you to her. This has to do withRead More →
A client contacted me to complain about what she considers to have been inappropriate comments directed from you to her. This has to do withRead More →
I understand that you took several days off while I was on vacation. How about if you start with telling me which days you wereRead More →
What is your understanding of the County’s Internet policy? How many times a day, on average, do you access the Internet? How long, on average,Read More →
NAME, talk with me about your experience with getting client bus passes from our department. When did that first start? How did it come about?Read More →
You will not personally witness every act of misconduct alleged to have been committed by your employees. Allegations of employee misconduct can come from aRead More →
Any time you are interviewing a represented employee in conjunction with an investigation, the employee has the right to union representation if he/she requests it.Read More →
For more information, please see HR Bulletin 5: Dealing with the Impaired Employee on the HR website.Read More →
Date Name Classification Department Dear Mr. Employee: Subject: Temporary Assignment to Work at a Different Location Effective immediately, you are temporarily assigned to work atRead More →
Please note these sample questions do not take into account the unique aspects of any given situation, and will undoubtedly need to be changed orRead More →
In most circumstances, it is not necessary to do so. However, in some situations it may be appropriate for the accused employee to be awayRead More →
The County does not tolerate violence in the workplace. Refer to the County’s Violence in the Workplace Policy found on the County Intranet. The safetyRead More →
Follow these recommended steps if you suspect that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work. Listed below are recommendedRead More →
It is essential that supervisors and managers contact the County Counsel’s Office as soon as they become aware of an allegation that involves potential criminalRead More →
The materials in the file will be reviewed to determine whether there is sufficient proof to sustain the allegation and, if so, to determine whatRead More →
Depending on the level of the employee alleged to have committed the misconduct and the nature of the alleged infraction, the manager may personally conductRead More →
Document the allegation accurately and completely. Take careful, legible notes of what the complainant says, your own follow-up questions, and the answers to these questions.Read More →
Receive the Complaint Explain procedures. Tell the complainant that the matter will be promptly investigated and explain your procedures for investigation. Mention that someone elseRead More →
In all other cases where there is an allegation of serious (but not criminal) misconduct, the County Manager strongly urges you to contact Employee &Read More →