FAQs 35Are extra help employees represented by the unions?Can evaluations be used as part of the disciplinary process or are they separate?Can my Department Head reject my VTO application?Can supervisors access the RSI Report to assist in gaging and monitoring staff activities?Can the person count travel time to first home visit from their home, which could include traffic?For those working in the field can the staff person do work on a laptop in a coffee shop?How do I address an employee who is being too social in the workplace?How do I practice having a difficult conversation with an employee when the situation needs to be kept confidential?How does one discipline an employee who does not repeat the same behavior but commits acts of misconduct?How long can someone keep their position open if they are on leave?How long does it take to open a requisition i.e. when you know someone is going on Med leave?How many attendance grace periods is a staff member allowed?How to respond if comments/suggestions/compliments brought by staff involves a “peer” and not a direct report?I’m confused. When is an employee allowed to have a union representative at a meeting?If a person has several weeks/hours of vacation can they apply for VTO to avoid using their accrued vacation?If an employee asks for more pay what is the process?If an employee has a body odor problem, is it the supervisor’s responsibility to address this issue?If one employee had previously approved VTO, are you required to honor VTO on subsequent years?If the employee says that there’s not a policy on what you’re addressing (such as dress code), what do I say?If there is a concern brought to my attention, and I don’t directly supervise them, what should I do?If you are a seasoned County employee and decide to take a new position and that position gets cut, do you have bumping rights to your prior position?If you do not take the County Health insurance except for dental, can you still participate and do the Wellness Program?If you wish to meet with an employee who makes-up stories or lies a lot and wish to have someone else to witness the conversation with your employee – whom should you ask?Is HR planning to have an online automated on/off boarding guide?What are the steps to successful team building?What do you say when the employee thinks they’re perfect?What is the best way to create a thriving environment when your manager continues to shoot down your ideas?What is the best way to monitor and back track issues of absenteeism?What is the responsibility of the supervisor and employee to prioritize duties and responsibilities? In taking on side projects that impacts an employee’s ability to keep up with workload?What should you do if you smell alcohol on an employee’s person and you do not supervise them and it is towards the end of the day?When a supervisor has exhausted all avenues to get an employee back to work, how do you proceed to have them release their position?When creating a new position within the department for internal transfer, does seniority play a role, if so how?When does a disciplinary issue get to a Skelly hearing versus outside arbitration?When the job is physically demanding and the employee has restrictions that may or may not be work related, is there something we/risk management should do proactively to address this problem?Work schedules seem to vary in departments. Are there set work hours? 35 2015-03-25