1. Introduction to the Employee Relations Handbook
2. Documentation 10
- Description of files to be maintained
- Documentation
- Example #1: Probationary Rejection for Attendance
- Example #2: Probationary Extension due to Performance
- Example #3: “Special” Below Standard Evaluation
- Itinerary for management review of supervisors
- What is documentation?
- What is the benefit to me as a supervisor?
- What should be documented?
- What should be documented?
- Can a probationary employee take vacation time?
- Can a probationary period be extended?
- Can an employee grieve or appeal a probationary dismissal?
- Can an employee transferring to another department be required to complete a new probationary period?
- How are employees notified that they have failed to pass their probationary period?
- How does an employee become permanent?
- How long are probationary periods?
- Probationary Periods
- Request for Transfer or Voluntary Demotion
- Sample Acknowledgment and Acceptance Letter
- Sample Request for Extension of Probationary Period #1
- Sample Request for Extension of Probationary Period #2
- Sample Resignation Form
- Sample Termination Letter for Probationary Employee*
- What are your supervisory responsibilities during a probationary period?
- Who serves a probationary period?
- Introduction to Performance and Conduct
- Is It Performance or Conduct?
- What is corrective action?
- What is disciplinary action?
- What is non-punitive discipline?
- What is the difference between performance and conduct?
- Why do we make a distinction between performance and conduct?
- 3 Phases of the Skelly Process: The Decision Letter
- 3 Phases of the Skelly Process: The Employee’s Reply
- 3 Phases of the Skelly Process: The Intent Letter
- Background
- Procedures for the Skelly Process
- You have been assigned to be a Skelly Hearing Officer…
- Flowchart for Performance Evaluations
- How does the supervisor know what to do next, and when to do it?
- Performance
- Process for preparing an employee performance evaluation: Step 1 – Regular Feedback Sessions
- Process for preparing an employee performance evaluation: Step 2 – Initial Discussion of Performance
- Process for preparing an employee performance evaluation: Step 3 – Draft Performance Evaluation
- Process for preparing an employee performance evaluation: Step 4 – Employee Comments
- Process for preparing an employee performance evaluation: Step 5 – Finalizing the Performance Evaluation
- Sample Employee Performance Report
- Sample Performance Improvement Plan #1
- Sample Performance Improvement Plan #2
- Sample Performance Improvement Plan #3
- Sample Performance Improvement Plan #4
- Sample Pre-Evaluation Memo #1
- Sample Pre-Evaluation Memo #2
- Sample Skelly Decision Letter – Poor Performance
- Sample Skelly Intent to Dismiss Letter – Poor Performance
- Sample Supervisor Transition Memo
- Special Performance Evaluations
- Substandard Performance Evaluations
- Timeliness of Performance Evaluations
- What are performance expectations?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility regarding employee performance?
- What should be done if an employee is not meeting performance expectations?
- Conduct
- How does the supervisor know what to do next, and when to do it?
- How the Non-Punitive Discipline Program Works
- Non-Punitive Discipline Program Description
- Non-Punitive Discipline Program Overview
- Objectives of the Non-Punitive Discipline Program
- Overview of Traditional Discipline Program
- Sample Counseling Memo for Discourtesy
- Sample Letter of Reprimand for Discourtesy
- Sample Letter of Warning for Waste Of County Time
- Sample Skelly Decision Letter – Conduct (Non-Punitive Discipline)
- Sample Skelly Decision Letter – Dismissal
- Sample Skelly Intent Letter – Conduct (Non-Punitive Discipline)
- Sample Skelly Letter of Intent – Dismissal
- What is progressive discipline?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility regarding employee conduct?
- What should be done if an employee does not adhere to conduct expectations?
- Alleged Discourtesy to Client – Sample Interview Questions
- Alleged Discourtesy to Coworker – Sample Interview Questions
- Alleged Internet and/or E-mail Misuse – Sample Interview Questions
- Alleged Misuse of Position – Sample Interview Questions
- Conducting Employee Investigations
- Is the employee entitled to Union representation during administrative interviews?
- Objective Signs of Impairment
- Sample Assignment to Work at an Alternate Location Letter
- Sample Interview Questions
- Should the employee be removed from the work area during the investigation?
- What do I do if an employee makes a threat to me and/or to anyone else?
- What do I do if I suspect that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work?
- What if the allegation involves potential criminal activity away from work?
- What is the investigatory file used for?
- What is the manager’s role in employee investigations?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility if the workplace allegation involves potential criminal action?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility in the area of employee investigations?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility when the alleged misconduct is of a non-criminal nature?
- Bereavement Leave
- Can an employee use other accrued leave in lieu of sick leave to cover unplanned medical absences?
- Coding the Timecard
- Does an employee have to provide a release to work after every illness?
- How do I determine whether an employee’s attendance constitutes “excessive absenteeism”?
- How does a supervisor address leave problems?
- How must a timecard be coded when an employee uses paid sick leave and works overtime in the same week?
- If an employee brings in doctor’s notes as required, is there anything a supervisor can do about excessive sick leave?
- Is an employee entitled to use vacation leave whenever it is requested, if they have a balance of vacation hours?
- Must every request for sick leave be approved?
- Must vacation leave be approved when an employee is tardy?
- Sample Counseling Memo for Tardiness
- Sample Leave Restriction Letter
- Sample Letter of Reprimand – Absenteeism
- Sample Skelly Decision Letter – AWOL (Non-Punitive Discipline)
- Sample Skelly Intent Letter – Attendance (Non-Punitive Discipline)
- Scenarios and Recommended Action Steps
- Tardiness and Absenteeism
- What are some examples of leave problems?
- What can I do to avoid leave problems?
- What is the difference between leave without pay, and absence without leave?
- When can a supervisor request a doctor’s note?
- How can an employee use the services of the EAP?
- How is an EAP referral made?
- Must an employee attend EAP if referred?
- Preparing for a Job Performance Referral Checklist
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- What about a supervisor/manager referral?
- What is the supervisor’s responsibility in suggesting the EAP to an employee?
- The Grievance Process
- What is the first step of the grievance process?
- What is the fourth step of the grievance process?
- What is the second step of the grievance process?
- What is the third step of the grievance process?
- Appeals of Disciplinary Actions
- Appeals of Substandard Performance Evaluations
- How does the Commission handle appeals?
- The Civil Service Appeal Process
- What are the guidelines for preparing for and presenting cases before the Civil Service Commission?
- What issues may be appealed to the Commission?
- Can a person in an unclassified position take County examinations for classified positions? Can he/she take promotional examinations?
- Classified and Unclassified Employees – Comparison of Terms and Conditions of Employment
- Classified and Unclassified Employment
- Do health benefits for classified employees differ from those of unclassified employees?
- Do retirement benefits or obligations for classified employees differ from those of unclassified employees?
- How are people hired into the unclassified service?
- If a person in a classified position wants to take an unclassified position, what happens?
- If a person is in an unclassified position can he/she transfer to classified positions?
- Measure D
- What happens if a position is changed from classified to unclassified?
- What happens if a position is changed from unclassified to classified?
- Who decides what positions are unclassified?
- Why are positions unclassified?
- Why are there classified and unclassified employees in the same jobs?
- Does Extra Help time count? What if I “bought my extra help time?
- Does FMLA time count towards seniority?
- Does my probationary status affect my seniority?
- Does overtime count toward seniority?
- Does time on workers’ compensation count towards seniority?
- Does unclassified service count towards seniority?
- How are layoffs determined?
- How does unclassified service impact seniority?
- How does voluntary time off (VTO) affect seniority?
- How is seniority calculated? What hours are included in seniority?
- I worked for the County for five years, then left to take another job for a couple years. I’ve been back for three years. How much seniority do I have?
- Process for Employees at Risk of Layoff
- Seniority & Layoff
- What about an approved leave of absence?
- What if I have the exact same seniority as another person – how is a tie broken?
- What is seniority?
- Why do I have less seniority than someone who was hired after me?
- Alternative Work Schedules
- Informal Flex Schedules
- Sample 4/10 and/or 9/80 Work Schedule Agreement
- What are the various work schedules?
- What factors should be considered in deciding whether to offer alternative work schedules?
- Work Schedules
- Can different types of leaves of absence be combined?
- How are leaves of absence approved and how are the forms processed?
- How do I know whether a request for time off should be considered FMLA?
- How does designating a leave of absence as FMLA/CFRA benefit the employee?
- If a Leave of Absence is approved, do I have to hold the employee’s position vacant?
- Leave of Absence Instructions and Information
- Leaves of Absence (LOA)
- Types of Leave and How They May Interconnect
- What conditions must be met for an employee to be eligible for FMLA/CFRA consideration?
- What is “Reduced” or “Intermittent” FMLA/CFRA leave?
- What is a “Serious Health Condition”?
- What is a Leave of Absence for Illness or Injury (Medical Leave)?
- What is a Parental Leave of Absence?
- What is a Personal Leave of Absence?
- What is Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)?
- What process is used when an employee returns to work after a leave of absence?
- What should be included on the medical certification form from the doctor?
- “Meet and Confer” Flowchart
- How do stewards request release time, and must it always be granted?
- Labor Relations
- Meet and Confer: What do we do after the meet and confer?
- Meet and Confer: What do we do at the meeting?
- Meet and Confer: What do we do if we decide to make a change?
- Meet and Confer: What do we do to prepare for the meeting?
- Meet and Confer: What is the identifying trigger?
- Meet and Confer: Who attends the meeting?
- Meet and Confer: Who is covered?
- Positions Represented By Unions
- Sample Notice to Union(s)
- What are a steward’s rights regarding attendance at meetings?
- What can I do to encourage successful labor relations?
- What is “prior notification,” and why is it required?
- What is “meet and confer?”
- What is Agency Shop?
- What is the difference between a union business agent and a steward?
- What is the role of a union?
- When is an employee entitled to union representation at a meeting with his/her supervisor?