PDA 14.1 Accural
All employees, except extra help, shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 3.7 hours for each biweekly pay period of full-time work. Such accrualRead More →
All employees, except extra help, shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 3.7 hours for each biweekly pay period of full-time work. Such accrualRead More →
Sick leave is accrued paid leave from work that can be used for any of the following purposes: Diagnosis, care, or treatment of an employee’sRead More →
When the requirement for sick leave is known to the employee in advance of the absence, the employee shall request authorization for sick leave atRead More →
Sick leave may be used in increments no smaller than six minutes. Payment for sick leave used shall be at the employee’s base pay plusRead More →
When an employee who has been working as extra help is appointed to a permanent position such appointee may receive credit for such extra helpRead More →
If the appointing authority has been informed through a doctor’s report of a medical examination that an employee is not capable of properly performing theirRead More →
An employee who is injured or who becomes ill while on vacation may be paid for sick leave in lieu of vacation provided that theRead More →
Paid holidays shall not be considered as part of any period of sick leave, unless the employee is scheduled to work on that holiday.Read More →
A. Purpose The Catastrophic Leave Policy is designed to assist employees who have exhausted paid time credits due to serious or catastrophic illness, injury orRead More →