SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION: In accordance with the provisions of the County Charter, the Commission shall consist of five members. Members shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors to four-year terms.
SECTION 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At its first meeting of each year the Commission shall elect one of its members as chairperson and another as vice-chairperson.
SECTION 3. MEETINGS: The Commission shall hold regular public meetings each month at a date, time and location determined by the Commission. In addition, the Commission may hold special meetings upon the call of the chairperson or any two members of the Commission at such time and place as the business of the Commission may require. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings shall be open to the public unless ordered closed by the Commission.
SECTION 4. AGENDA OF THE COMMISSION: Items to be considered by the Commission must be submitted in writing to the Director at least seven days prior to the scheduled meeting. Agendas shall be distributed to all interested parties in advance of the scheduled meeting. Items may be considered without such notice so long as the conditions of Government Code Section 54954.2 are met.
SECTION 5. MINUTES OF COMMISSION MEETINGS: The Director shall record in the minutes the time and place of each meeting, the names of the Commissioners present and all official acts of the Commission. The minutes need not be a verbatim record, but shall summarize the actions taken and discussion held. Minutes of the Commission meetings shall be a public record. Other records of the Commission shall be confidential, except as otherwise provided by the Commission. All records of the Commission shall be in the custody of the Director, who shall determine disclosure to the public.