A. Official application forms shall be provided by the Human Resources Department. Application forms must be filled out completely and must be signed by the applicant or certified through electronic submission. Applications that are filed become the property of the County and will not be returned. A separate and complete application is required for each examination, unless otherwise specified in the examination announcement.
B. For regular recruitments and for continuous recruitments that are being closed, applications must be received by the Human Resources Department not later than the office closing time on the published last day to file or must be postmarked by the United States Postal Service or filed electronically before midnight of that date. The terms and conditions under which applications will be accepted for limited recruitment shall be specified on the announcement of examination. Where circumstances warrant, the Director may authorize the acceptance of late applications.
SECTION 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS: Applicants must meet the minimum requirements stated in the classification specification and the examination announcement. Applicants may be required to submit evidence of service in the armed forces, education, training, licensure and/or required special qualifications.
SECTION 3. DISQUALIFICATION OF APPLICANTS: The Director may, in his/her discretion, refuse to examine an applicant, or after examination refuse to certify an eligible, or may remove an eligible from the eligible list:
A. Who is found to lack any of the announced requirements established for the examination.
B. Who is physically or mentally unable to perform the duties of the classification.
C. Who refuses, fails to appear for, or fails to pass, the required medical examination.
D. Who has engaged in conduct not compatible with County employment.
E. Who has made false or misleading statements of material fact on the application.
F. Who has used, or attempted to use, any unfair method to obtain an advantage in an examination or appointment.
G. Who has directly or indirectly obtained confidential information pertaining to the content of the examination, or who has taken part in compiling, administering, or scoring the examination.
H. Who has failed to submit an application correctly and fully or within the prescribed time limits.
I. Who has been dismissed for cause from a position in public or private employment substantially similar to the position applied for in the County.
J. Who has been convicted of a crime that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions or duties of the position for which application is made.
SECTION 4. FINGERPRINTING: Applicants before appointment, and employees after appointment, may be required to be fingerprinted.
SECTION 5. NOTICE OF ACTION ON APPLICATION: A person whose application is rejected shall be notified as to the reason for the rejection.
SECTION 6. APPEAL RIGHTS: The procedures for appeals and hearings are provided in Rule XIV, however, the grounds for appeal by disqualified job applicants shall be limited solely to alleged discrimination on the basis of one or more of the characteristics identified in Section II of the San Mateo County Equal Employment Opportunity Policy., and the grounds for appeal found in Rule XIV do not apply to applicants.