To: Employee, Classification
From: Supervisor, Title
Subject: Letter of Reprimand
This is an official Letter of Reprimand for your excessive absenteeism.
On (date) you were issued a warning letter that outlined my concerns regarding your excessive use of sick leave and placed you on leave restriction. That letter had followed a verbal counseling session that did not result in your improving your attendance. You were advised that minimal improvement would be considered no more than two unscheduled absences over the next three months and for each three-month period thereafter.
Within two weeks after receiving this memo, on (date), you left 3 hours early to have your car repaired as you had car trouble on the way in to work that morning. This constitutes the first unscheduled absence.
On (date) you called to say that you had to help a friend and would be late. You arrived 3.5 hours into your shift. This is your second unscheduled absence in the three-month period.
On (date) you called in sick and were out for three days. This constitutes your third unscheduled absence. You did not have enough sick leave available for this time and had to use 17 hours of leave without pay.
On (date) you left early for a doctor’s appointment that had not been previously scheduled. This constitutes your fourth unscheduled absence.
I want to stress that providing physician’s statements does not absolve you of the responsibility to improve your attendance. An employer may reasonably expect an employee to be available for work on a regular basis and may also reasonably expect unscheduled absences to be kept to a minimum. I believe the Department has done its best to work with you, and yet there does not seem to be a commitment on your part to make the effort to be here and to accomplish your work. Should your attendance (with or without physician’s notes) not improve, disciplinary action may be taken to bring your attendance to an acceptable level.
A copy of this letter is being placed in your Civil Service and departmental personnel files. You may respond in writing to this letter. Should you choose to do so, that response will be made a part of these personnel files.
cc: Department Head
Donna Vaillancourt, Director, Human Resources Department
Civil Service Personnel File
Departmental Personnel File