Section 13. Promotional Opportunities for Extra Help Applicants
13.1 Eligibility to Apply for County Recruitments
Extra Help employees with a minimum of one thousand forty (1,040) continuous hours of service, defined as no break in service of greater than twenty-eight (28) consecutive calendar days referenced in Section 5.6, are eligible to apply in recruitments designated as:
Department Only
County Promotional Only
Open and Promotional
13.2 Promotional Points
For ranking purposes, Extra Help Employees with one thousand forty (1,040) hours of continuous service will receive five (5) promotional points for Open and Promotional recruitments as afforded to regular employees.
13.3 Career Opportunities Program
The purpose of the Career Opportunities Program is to provide current employees with opportunities to promote, transfer, or change careers within the County in a way that is fair, competitive, easily understandable, efficient and appropriate to the County’s needs. Investing in and utilizing talents of its employees will enhance the performance of the organization.
13.4 Career Development Committee
Effective the first pay period following Board of Supervisors’ approval of a successor MOU in 2019, one representative from the SEIU Extra Help unit and one representative from the AFSCME Extra Help unit may participate in the CDP Committee. The CDP Committee will continue meeting on a quarterly basis during the term of this agreement to address training and development activities to enable employees to improve knowledge, skills and abilities in order to achieve promotional and regular employment eligibility. Release Time requested for both Extra Help representatives to attend CDP Committee meetings will be reviewed and approved by Employee & Labor Relations under normal Release Time processes.
13.5 Learning Management System (LMS) Training
An Extra Help employee who has worked at least one thousand forty (1,040) hours of service with the County may participate in the following County LMS Training classes:
(1) “Nuts and Bolts of Applying for a County Position,” and
(2) “Presenting Yourself Effectively in a Civil Service Interview Process,”
or the successor classes, upon request. Training shall occur on paid County time, subject to the advance approval of the Department manager. An employee may request, and the Department manager or designee may agree, to substitute a different LMS Training class for one or both of the afore-mentioned classes. Upon advance approval of the Department manager or designee, Extra Help employees may attend additional LMS trainings related to the employee’s current assignment and/or career development for other County opportunities on paid County time.