Section 28. Past Practices and Scope of Agreement
It is understood this Agreement represents a complete and final understanding on all negotiable issues between the County and its Departments and the Union. This Agreement supersedes all previous memoranda of understanding, memoranda of agreement and written or unwritten past practices pertaining to wages, hours and conditions of employment between the County and its Departments and the Union except as specifically referred to in this Agreement.
The parties, for the term of this Agreement, agree to waive the obligation to negotiate with respect to any practice subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered in this Agreement even though such practice, subject or matter may not have been within the knowledge of the parties at the time this Agreement was negotiated and signed. Where a past practice also applies to regular staff in the same department or classification, if the County proposes to change or discontinue such past practice with regard to extra-help employees, the County shall give advance notice to the Union and meet to discuss the issue.
In the event any new practice, subject or matter arises during the term of this Agreement and an action is proposed by the County, the Union shall be afforded all possible notice and shall have the right to meet and confer upon request.