Meet and Confer: What do we do after the meet and confer?
Meet with upper management and/or Human Resources to finalize the plan. Analyze proposed changes and alternatives that were made at the meeting, and incorporate themRead More →
Meet and Confer: What do we do at the meeting?
Start the meeting by explaining the proposed change and the reasons for the change. You should use the comparison document you prepared as a guideRead More →
Meet and Confer: What do we do if we decide to make a change?
After consulting with Employee & Labor Relations, notify the employee organization(s) of the change in writing. The notice should describe the proposed change in detailRead More →
Meet and Confer: What do we do to prepare for the meeting?
It is important that you adequately prepare so that you present yourself at the meeting as being organized and knowledgeable about the specifics of theRead More →
Meet and Confer: What is the identifying trigger?
The need to provide employee organization(s) with advance notice and an opportunity to “meet and confer” is triggered any time the management of a departmentRead More →
Meet and Confer: Who attends the meeting?
You can expect a union representative, the union steward and one or more affected employees to attend. The union gets to select which employees attend,Read More →
Meet and Confer: Who is covered?
All County Departments and Divisions are covered and these guidelines should be considered and used by all County management staff. One or more employee organizationsRead More →
What is “prior notification,” and why is it required?
By statute and contract, unions have the right to be notified about planned changes in the terms and conditions of employment, and to meet andRead More →