For full-time employees enrolled in County-offered health insurance plans, the County will pay 85% of the total premium for the Kaiser HMO or Kaiser High Deductible Health Plans (employees pay 15% of the total premium) and the County will pay 90% of the total premium for the Aetna HMO Plan (employees pay 10% of the total premium). The County will pay 75% of the total premium for the Aetna PPO Plan (employees pay 25% of the total premium).

Employees who elect a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) will contribute fifteen percent (15%) of the premiums and will receive an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the deductible placed into a Health Spending Account over the course of the calendar year. Contributions will occur biweekly.

In an effort to offset the employee cost for healthcare costs, effective the first full pay period in October 2025 until the first pay period in October 2027, the County will contribute $59 per month ($29.50 each for the first 2 pay periods of each month) as a “Premium Only” contribution to each benefit-eligible employee’s Section 125 account to be used for premium expenses.

For employees occupying permanent part-time positions, who work a minimum of forty (40), but less than sixty (60) hours in a biweekly pay period, the County will pay one-half (1/2) of the contribution to hospital and medical care premiums described above for full-time employees.

For employees occupying permanent part-time positions, who work a minimum of sixty (60), but less than eighty (80) hours in a biweekly pay period, or otherwise qualify as a “full time employee” under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act), the County will pay eighty-five percent (85%) of the County offered group High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or three-fourths (3/4) of the hospital and medical care premiums described above. For County employees occupying permanent part-time positions who work a minimum of sixty (60), but less than eighty (80) hours in a biweekly pay period who are enrolled in a County-offered High Deductible Health Plan, the County will contribute fifty percent (50%) of the deductible to the employee’s Health Savings Account over the course of the calendar year. Contributions will occur biweekly.
