The following will be in effect for those who retire during the term of this resolution:
For employees hired on or prior to April 1, 2008: The County will pay to employees who retire concurrently with separation from County service one month’s health, dental and vision premium for the employee and eligible dependents for each 8 hours of unused sick leave. Employees who separate from County service and enter into deferred retirement or otherwise separate without retiring are not eligible for this benefit.
For employees commencing employment between April 1, 2008 and December 31, 2010: Employees who retire concurrently with separation from County service, for every 8 hours of unused sick leave, the County will pay $700 toward the premium for one month of the retiree health plan and the full cost of one month of the dental and vision coverage. Employees who separate from County service and enter into deferred retirement or otherwise separate without retiring are not eligible for this benefit. For active employees, the County will contribute $100 per month during employment to a post-employment health reimbursement account on a pre-tax basis. This account may only be used to pay for eligible premiums or medical expenses upon retirement or termination.
For employees commencing employment after January 1, 2011: For employees who retire concurrently with separation from County service, for every 8 hours of unused sick leave, the County will pay $400 toward the premium for one month of the retiree health plan. Employees who separate from County service and enter into deferred retirement or otherwise separate without retiring are not eligible for this benefit.
Employees who retire receiving $400 per 8 hours of sick leave, will, upon exhaustion of accrued sick leave, be credited with additional hours of sick leave as follows:
- With at least 10 but less than 15 years of service with the County of San Mateo – 96 hours
- With at least 15 but less than 20 years of service with the County of San Mateo – 192 hours
- With 20 years or more of service with the County of San Mateo – 288 hours
For all employees: On the death of an employee (active or retired), coverage for the spouse and dependents will continue until the sick leave credits have expired. Retirees or surviving spouses may continue the insurance, at their own expense, by premium deductions from their retirement warrants after sick leave credits have expired, in accordance with the rules of the respective carriers.
When employee or spouse reaches age 65 they must, if eligible, enroll in Medicare, which also will be reimbursed by the County if sick leave credits are available.
For employees who receive a disability retirement from County service, the County will provide additional hours of sick leave to the employee’s sick leave balance for a total balance of 288.6 hours of sick leave (three years of retiree health coverage). For example, if an employee who receives a disability retirement has 100 hours of sick leave at the time of retirement, the County will add another 188.6 hours of sick leave credits to their balance.