Employees who have management overtime (MOT) hours available may use such time balances as time off. Any time balance not taken as time off prior to retirement or termination will be cashed out at that time.

Management employees, not including elected employees or any manager who receives overtime compensation, shall receive 6 hours of administrative leave (also known as Compensatory Time for Managers in the County’s payroll system) each pay period. No more than 412 hours of such administrative leave time may be accumulated at any one time, at which point employees shall stop accruing administrative leave until such time the total number of accrued hours is reduced below four hundred and twelve (412) hours. Except as provided below, time accruals may only be compensated by being allowed time off.

Part-time management employees shall be entitled to Administrative Leave hours in proportion to the designation of the position as either half or three-quarters time, not the specific hours worked. (Half-time will equal 3 hours per pay period and three-quarters time will equal 4.5 hours)

In lieu of using administrative leave hours for paid time off, an employee will be permitted to elect to receive cash payment (i.e., “cash out”) of their unused administrative leave hours, subject to the following guidelines:

An employee’s cash out election must be made in the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the County pays the cash out amount to the employee. Such election must be made no later than the close of business on December 31st. An election to cash out (or to not cash out) administrative leave is irrevocable and may not be changed.

An employee may elect to cash out only administrative leave amounts that the employee is scheduled to accrue in the following year (for example, for full time employees, this will be 6 hours per pay period x 26 pay periods = 156 hours max per year).

Payments of an employee’s cash out election will be made in the calendar year following election, in the final full payroll period.

The County’s payment of the employee’s elected cash out amount may not exceed the lesser of (i) the total hours of administrative leave actually accrued by the employee in the year of cash out, or (ii) the employee’s unused administrative leave balance as of the cash out payment date.

Requests to use leave pursuant to this section will follow established time off policies. Any time balance not taken as time off prior to retirement or termination will be cashed out at that time.
