The salary ranges are set forth in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Effective December 8, 2024, there shall be a five percent (5%) cost of living adjustment. Effective October 12, 2025, there shall be a five percent (5%) cost of living adjustment. Effective October 11, 2026, there shall be a four percent (4%) cost of living adjustment.
The October 2026 cost of living adjustment shall be increased by an additional one percent (1%), for a total cost of living adjustment of five percent (5%) under the following circumstances:
1. Not later than October 1, 2026, the State Legislature enacts and the Governor signs legislation to ensure that San Mateo County receives its full Vehicle License Fee Adjustment Amount under Revenue & Taxation Code 97.70, as calculated under the laws in existence as of the date of this Resolution, on an ongoing basis (i.e., without any sunset provision), and
2. Neither the VLF bill nor any companion legislation contains any offsets, reductions or limits to other County funding sources (e.g., a reduction in excess or returned Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund amounts).
Salary percentage increases for elected department heads are set forth by Ordinance Code 2.71.060.