SUBJECT: Administrative Leave
DATE: February 1, 1984
Educational Leave
Employees assigned, as part of their work, to attend educational programs will be reimbursed by the county for all costs associated with attending the program, this includes the employee’s time, transportation, meals, lodgings, and program costs.
If attendance at a program is not assigned, but the department wishes to absorb the salary cost, then the department head should ask the Personnel Director to approve educational leave with pay in accordance with Section 2232.2(h) of the County Ordinance Code and the provisions of most memoranda of understanding.
Employees on educational leave are not subject to county direction and control. Department heads must use the forms specified by the Personnel Department when requesting paid time off for educational purposes.
Time Off to Vote
Most employees are able to vote outside their working hours. Only in rare cases, such as when an employee works back-to-back shifts, is it necessary for the employee to be granted time off for voting. In such cases, department heads will make equitable arrangements with the employee,. to enable the employee to vote. Under state law the employee must give two working days notice of the need for time off, and may take no more than two hours without loss of pay to vote. In case of doubt or disagreement, contact the Employee Relations Officer in the Personnel Department.
Department heads are responsible for posting Sections 14400 and 14401 of the State Education Code at least ten days before every election. This section of the code advises employees that they are entitled to time off to vote if their job would normally prohibit them from voting.