SUBJECT: Affirmative Action
DATE: August 24, 1989
San Mateo County is committed to a system of equal employment opportunity that provides all persons with equal access to positions and a work environment free of discrimination as a basic merit system principle. There shall be no discrimination in any employment action because of age (over 40), ancestry, creed, color, disability, marital status, medical condition, national origin, political or religious affiliation, race, sex, sexual orientation or any non-job-related criteria. Sex, age, and physical condition may be a consideration in employment only in the case of a bonafide occupational requirement.
The objectives of the County’s Affirmative Action Program are to:
- Attain a workforce that reflects the diversity of the County-wide civilian labor force percentage throughout all job families and at all job levels.
- Create an environment that values a diverse workforce representing both sexes and all ethnic and racial groups.
- Establish clear and open lines of communication to resolve discrimination issues and prevent problems.
- Establish and maintain awareness and support at all levels in the organization for the goals of equal employment and affirmative action.
Departmental Responsibilities
The responsibility for setting and achieving goals and objectives lies with each department head.
Specifically the Department Heads will:
- Make good faith efforts to meet realistic numerical goals, from data provided by the Human Resources Department.
- Oversee the development and implementation of a Departmental Affirmative Action Plan.
- Identify an employee of the department to serve as a liaison with the Human Resources Department.
- Ensure that all employment decisions including development of job knowledge and skill requirements, interviews, offers of employment and compensation commitments, assignment, training and evaluation, and employee relations are consistent with the County’s equal employment opportunity principles.
Department heads will ensure that management, supervisors and other employees in their departments understand and implement the Affirmative Action Program. The success of each manager and supervisor in achieving departmental Affirmative Action objectives will be made a part of individual formal evaluations.
Affirmative Action Advisory Committee
The Affirmative Action Advisory Committee is appointed by the County Manager to review the effectiveness of the County’s affirmative action plan and programs. Committee members are appointed to two-year terms and serve at the discretion of the County Manager. The committee monitors, reviews, and makes recommendations to the Human Resources Director and County Manager on all elements of the County’s affirmative action plan.
The committee also reviews the: goals and assesses the progress of the departmental affirmative action plans submitted by County departments.
County Employees
County employees are responsible for supporting a work climate which is conducive to achieving equal employment opportunHi£S
Contractor Responsibility
All service contracts between the County and other shall include the following statement:
Non-Discrimination – General. No person shall, on the grounds of age (over 40), ancestry, creed, color, disability, marital status, medical condition, national origin, political or religious affiliation, race, sex, sexual orientation or any non-job-related criteria be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits, or be subjected to discrimination under this AGREEMENT.
Non-Discrimination – Employment. Contractor shall ensure equal employment opportunity based on objective standards of recruitment, selection, promotion, classification, compensation, performance evaluations, and management relations, for all employees under this AGREEMENT. Contractor’s affirmative action policies shall be made available to County upon request.
Departments should refer to Admi ni strati ve Memorandum E-3 11Secti on 504 Requirements in County Contracts11 for the language to be used in contracts regarding Section 504 accessibility requirements.
The process for employees to follow in filing an affirmative action grievance are outlined in Administrative Memorandum E-2 “Discrimination Complaint Procedures.”
Communications from government agencies alleging discriminatory practices or otherwise concerned with personnel matters must immediately be forwarded to the Human Resources Department. All County responses should be coordinated by the Human Resources Director, rather than the department directly involved.
Legal complaints must be referred to the County Counsel’s staff.