SUBJECT: Board Agenda Procedures
RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: County Manager/Clerk of the Board
APPROVED: Signature on file in the County Manager’s Office
DATE: 9/28/2006
The purpose of this memo is to establish policies and procedures related to the process for preparing Board agenda items. These procedures streamline and improve the Agenda process. Any questions or requests for exceptions to these guidelines should be directed to your assigned County Manager Analyst. This memorandum replaces Administrative Memorandum B-4 dated March 14, 2006. Revisions include updates to incorporate current practice, County Manager consideration/approval of late items submitted during the agenda process, standardization of language regarding Department Head authority to amend contracts over $100,000, and removal of the Board memo sample which is now found on the County’s intranet site under Clerk of the Board.
This memorandum is divided into two sections. The first section provides a brief overview of the Agenda Process. The second section outlines the procedures and requirements for preparing and submitting Agenda items including cover memorandums, ordinances, resolutions, reports, agreements and ATRs.
The Board of Supervisors (BOS) usually meets twice a month on Tuesday mornings at
9:00 a.m. An annual schedule is prepared and distributed to the public and County departments prior to the beginning of the calendar year. The meeting schedule is also posted on the Board of Supervisors website.
The following is an overview/timeline of the Agenda Process:
- Departments prepare Agenda items using the County’s guidelines set forth in this memorandum.
- The agenda forms, Board templates and samples are available on the County’s intranet site under Clerk of the Board, Agenda Process. These templates are prepared in Microsoft WORD using Arial font, size 12, and one inch margins. Electronic versions must be submitted using this font and size. Departments may submit hard copies in another font and size if they choose.
- Fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting, complete agenda items are due in the Clerk of the Board’s Office by noon. The contents of the Agenda packet varies depending on the action being taken and is explained in detail in Section II. County departments including County Counsel, Controller, Risk Management, Real Property Services, and Information Services may be required to review Agenda items before submission.
- Clerk of the Board’s Office reviews agenda items and prepares an Agenda ReviewLog which lists all the items scheduled for the Board meeting.
- Thirteen (13) days before the scheduled meeting, the Agenda Review Committee receives Agenda packets.
- Twelve (12) days before the scheduled meeting, the Agenda Review Committee meets (committee comprised of the County Manager, County Manager Analysts, County Counsel, and other department representatives).
- During Agenda Review the County Manager determines whether items will be scheduled on the Consent or Regular Agenda. Consent Agenda items are a group of non-controversial items passed by the Board of Supervisors on one vote. Regular Agenda items are recognized and voted on individually by the Board of Supervisors.
- If revisions are requested during Agenda Review, County Manager Analysts contact their assigned departments to notify them of requested changes.
- Eight (8) days before the scheduled meeting, departments resubmit revised Agenda items by 10:00 a.m. and post their documents on the Board Agenda Online System (FileNet’s Content Services) by noon in preparation for web publishing.
- Six (6) days before the scheduled meeting, the Clerk of the Board’s Office prepares and prints the Board’s Agenda. Agenda items are numbered and distributed to the Board of Supervisors, the County Manager, and County Counsel.
- Four (4) days prior to the scheduled meeting, the Board’s Agenda and supporting documents are posted on the Internet.
- Agenda items are heard on the scheduled Board meeting date. If an Agenda item is scheduled for a set time or on the Regular Agenda, the Department Head or designee must make a presentation. All items on the Consent Agenda are approved with one roll call motion unless a request is made at the beginning of the meeting to withdraw or transfer an item to the Regular Agenda.
- Following the Board meeting, the Clerk of the Board’s Office obtains appropriate signatures, assigns a resolution number to each item, and distributes documents as necessary.
The following general requirements should guide the preparation of Agenda packets:
• Completed Agenda packets must be received in the Clerk of the Board’s Office no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Monday, 15 days before the Board of Supervisors meeting. The Agenda packet must be complete before it will be accepted for review.
• Any agenda packets or revised agenda items received by the Clerk of the Board’s Office after the deadline must include a brief memo to the County Manager requesting that the Board item be considered for inclusion in the Board of Supervisor’s agenda.
• The Request for Agenda Listing form must accompany agenda items. Completing this form verifies that the Agenda packet is complete.
• All copies of documents submitted as part of the Agenda process (except for the original documents), including cover memorandum, resolution, ordinance, reports, agreements, and attachments, must be copied on both sides (duplexed), 3-hole punched on the left margin, with a margin of at least 1-inch on all four sides.
• The original memorandum (i.e. with original initial/signature) must be included in the Agenda packet.
• For posting on the County’s website, the entire agenda packet (including attachments, insurance certificate, and waiver forms) must be submitted electronically by either using the County’s FileNet templates or by scanning the document into pdf format. However, if the attachment is not to be posted, submit a hardcopy and a message will be posted on the website Agenda indicating, “Copies are available in the Clerk of the Board’s Office.”
• Departments are responsible for the publication of agenda items and/or mailing to the public as needed to comply with public notice requirements. A copy of the notice must be provided to the Clerk of the Board with the Agenda packet submittal.
• Set time items must be scheduled by contacting the Agenda Administrator in the Clerk of the Board’s Office 15 calendar days prior to the meeting. Set times for items will only be granted for items that are complete. An item requiring public noticing and placement on the Set Time Agenda may only be set 15 calendar days prior to the meeting, the same time that public notices are due to be sent. A set date and time will not be held for more than 15 calendar days. An exception is made for items in which hearing dates are established by Board resolution, and are thereby scheduled prior to the 15 day deadline.
• Departments should maintain records of all agenda items submitted to the Clerk of the Board.
• All agreements, ordinances, resolutions and other legal documents must be reviewed and approved by the County Counsel before submission as part of an Agenda packet. When a request for revision to the content of the item is made at Agenda Review or at the Board hearing, these revised legal documents must be reviewed and approved by the County Counsel again, and returned to the County Manager’s Office for final processing.
• The Contractor’s Declaration form must be attached to any contract submitted to the Clerk of the Board, with the exception of contracts where the County is the service provider.
• All items submitted for inclusion on the Board’s agenda must include relevant ATRs (already approved by the Controller) and/or Salary Ordinances. Departments should coordinate with Human Resources and the Controller’s Office to ensure that Salary Ordinances and ATRs are completed in time to be submitted with the appropriate cover memorandum. In the case of new positions or departmental reorganizations, departments should request Human Resources to prepare a Salary Ordinance amendment and send it to the department to be included in its packet.
• Items concerning new positions or departmental reorganizations, which contain amendments to the Salary Ordinance, should be addressed from the department requesting the action, not from Human Resources. However, Human Resources will continue to prepare the cover memorandum and salary ordinance for reclassifications.
• Requests for authorization to apply for grant funding and authorizations to host should be submitted in writing to the County Manager’s Office for review and approval. The County Manager’s Office will determine if it is necessary to obtain Board approval. However, if the department is certain Board approval is required, the grant application does not need to be reviewed by the County Manager prior to submitting the agenda packet to the Clerk of the Board. For additional information refer to Administrative Memorandums B-5 for Grant Applications, and B-12 for Hosting Authority.
The contents of each type of Agenda packet and the specific requirements for each type of submission are presented below. Contact the Clerk of the Board’s Office with questions.
A. Cover Memorandum
A cover memorandum is required for all items presented to the Board of Supervisors for a proposed action. The cover memorandum is the first part of the Agenda packet and should not be longer than one page (front and back). Cover memos that exceed these spacing guidelines should be prefaced with an executive summary of not more than one page (front and back). The executive summary should provide a brief and concise summary of Background, Discussion and Fiscal Impact of the recommendation(s) being made to the Board. The FileNet cover memorandum template must be used. The cover memorandum should not contain any headers or footers.
In most cases, the cover memorandum should not include statements like, “refer to, or see the attached ….”. If a statement like this is included, then those referenced items must be attached to every copy of the memorandum. An exception to this rule would be in cases where a Request For Proposal (RFP) Matrix form is included. A resolution is not an attachment to the memorandum.
The cover memorandum format includes eight components/sections: Heading, Notice and Vote Requirements, Recommendation, Vision Alignment, Background, Discussion, and Fiscal Impact. It is important that departments remain consistent with the format and content. The content of each section is outlined below:
Heading – All memos should be signed by the department head (or a division head via the department head) before submitting the Agenda item. The heading of each cover memo should be the same as the example below:
Inter-Departmental Correspondence
[Department Name Here]
DATE: [Type Here]
TO: Honorable Board of Supervisors
FROM: [Department Head name, Title and signature/initials]
SUBJECT: [Transmittal Topic]
Special Notice/Hearing – “Special Notice/Hearing” will read “None” for items requiring the usual notice, which is the posting of the agenda 72 hours prior to the meeting. If other notice or a hearing is required, such as “10 Day Publication, Public Hearing,” it should be stated here. The Department is responsible for ensuring this has occurred.
Vote Required – “Vote Required” will read “Majority” unless a special vote requirement is applicable to the item presented. If other than a majority vote is required, such as “Four-fifths vote,” it should be stated here. Examples of when four-fifths vote is required include establishment of a revolving fund for use by certain districts; emergencies; ATRs adding to the adopted budget; rejecting a construction bid to declare that the project can be performed more economically by the employees of the County; the assignment of delinquent bills for collection; certain transfers of real property; any ordinance to preserve peace, health or safety to make it effective immediately instead of in 30 days.
Recommendation – Concisely and specifically states the recommended Board action, the service provided, the term and the amount. The recommendation should contain the same language as the title of the resolution and begin with an action word (i.e. approve, adopt, accept). Any waivers to the RFP process must be included in this section.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of an Agreement with (name of company) to provide (what services), for the term of (start and end date of agreement), in the amount of $000,000, $000,000 Net County Cost (if any)
Adopt a resolution authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement with (name of company) to provide (what services) extending the term to (if the term is being extended), increasing the amount by $000,000 to $000,000 (if the amount is being increased), $000,000 Net County Cost (if any)
Adopt a Resolution:
A. Waiving the Request for Proposal process
B. Authorizing the execution of an Agreement with (name of company) to provide (what services), for the term of (start and end date of agreement), in the amount of $000,000, $000,000 Net County Cost (if any)
C. Authorizing the Director of (name of department) or the Director’s designee to execute contract amendments which modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000 (in aggregate), and/or modify the contract term and/or services so long as the modified term or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions
Adopt an ordinance (what the ordinance is for) and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety
Adopt an Amendment to the Salary Ordinance…..
Adopt a resolution authorizing an Appropriation Transfer Request in the amount of $000,000 from (what Category/Expenditure) to (what Category/Expenditure) for (the reason for the transfer)
Accept the report on…..
Vision Alignment – This section should illustrate how the recommended action will contribute to the County’s Shared Vision 2010 (the complete Shared Vision 2010 Report can be found on the Board’s web page). Once commitment(s) and goal(s) have been identified (reference should be made to a specific goal number), provide narrative highlighting how the recommended action contributes to them.
If the memo concerns an agreement with an outside service provider, this section should include narrative regarding expected performance and anticipated outcomes. Include one or two quality (how well we do it) or outcome (is anyone better off?) performance measures for all agreements with outside providers. Quality measures reflect how well a service is being provided. These types of measures focus on satisfaction, completeness, compliance, cost, efficiency and timeliness of the service being provided. Outcome measures demonstrate the effect the service had on a given program area or population. For example, improvement in skills, attitudes, behaviors or circumstances. Departments can either include performance measures that are part of the agreement, develop specific measures taken from the scope of work, or use existing Outcome-Based Management program plan measures, if appropriate.
Commitment: Provide equal access to educational opportunity.
Goal 4 and 19: Residents have many educational and training opportunities beyond high school; and the skill level of new workers rises with improved K-12 education and training options.
This Agreement contributes to these goals by enabling inmates to increase skills, which will lead to a broader range of job opportunities. It is anticipated that 14% of inmates served under this Agreement will qualify for a High School Equivalency certificate. This performance target reflects improvement from the previous year.
Performance Measures:
Measure |
FY 2005-06 Actual |
FY 2006-07 Target |
Percent of inmates who have successfully taken and passed each of the five exams required to qualify for a High School Equivalency Certificate | 12% | 14% |
Other examples of performance measures include:
Quality (How Well We Do It) Measures:
• Percent of (customers/patients/clients) indicating satisfaction with (describe treatment/procedure/service).
• Percent of (describe activity/work) completed on schedule (describe timeline) and within (describe budget/cost).
• Number and percent of (customers/patients/clients) requesting (describe service) and receiving it.
• Percent of (describe activity) in compliance with (describe standards).
Outcome (Is Anyone Better Off?) Measures:
• Percent of (customers/patients/clients) with improved condition within (define timeline) following (describe treatment/procedure/service).
• Number and percent of (customers/patients/clients) showing progress in (describe treatment/procedure/service).
• Percent of (describe project goals) that are met.
Background – A brief history of the proposed action is described in the Background along with any prior Board action related to the proposal (include Board dates, resolution numbers, and financial history).
Discussion – A brief description of the recommended Board action is presented in the Discussion section. When applicable, the following points should be covered in this section:
• Clearly state the objective of the proposed action and how the proposed action will meet the stated objective.
• Describe the change in current activities or new activity that the proposed action will create. The specific activity and proposed action must be clearly discussed in non- technical terms. Any service impacts should be explained.
• Alternatives to the proposed action should be briefly discussed with an indication as to why those alternatives are not recommended.
• Whenever a RFP process is used in awarding an agreement, the RFP Matrix form must be included as an attachment to the cover memo. If a RFP waiver is requested, departments should discuss why it is in the best interest of the County to grant the waiver.
• Discuss any waivers or modifications to the Equal Benefits Ordinance, Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, or non-discrimination clause.
• Describe the involvement of other departments in developing the recommendation for the proposed action, including review by County Counsel, Risk Management, Real Property Services (for items involving County owned property, the use of real property by County staff, or facilities leased by the County), Information Services (for all information technology initiatives), and other County officials.
Fiscal Impact – The cost of the recommended action and the source of financing for the recommendation should be discussed in the Fiscal Impact section. The following points should be covered:
• Discuss the cost implications of the proposed action, including both gross costs and net county costs. If there is no net county cost associated with the proposal, specifically state there is no Net County Cost.
• State whether funding for the proposed action is included in the current budget, and if it is not, how the activity will be financed. If funding is included in the current budget, reference relevant amounts and programs as they are described in the budget.
• Identify any revenue associated with the recommendation.
• Describe the time period covered by the proposed action including specific agreement terms and any potential or actual commitments beyond those dates.
The term of this agreement is from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. The total obligation under this Agreement is $150,000 and funded entirely through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Funds have been included in the FY 2004-05 Recommended Budget. There is no Net County Cost.
B. Ordinances
• An ordinance is a formal legislative enactment of the Board of Supervisors established to enforce, control, or limit certain activities. An ordinance has a higher legal standing than that of a Resolution.
• Ordinances and their amendments require public notification. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure that proper notification occurs. Ordinances involving the setting or amending of fees usually require prior public notice. When such prior notification is necessary, ordinances should be submitted for listing on the first Board meeting following the end of the notification period. Departments should consult with the County Counsel’s Office for public notification guidelines.
• Most ordinances require a first reading to “Introduce” and a second reading to “Adopt.” The Board may adopt the ordinance with the second reading, and the ordinance will become effective 30 days after adoption. Ordinances will automatically be listed on the Agenda for a second reading at the Board meeting following the first reading, unless the Board requests that it be moved to another Board meeting date. A new set of papers is not necessary for the second reading unless requested by the Board.
• Ordinances do not require resolutions or signature pages.
• Departments are required to email a copy of all ordinances to the Agenda Coordinator.
• Required packet items for an Ordinance only:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include the memorandum and the ordinance
• 1 Original ordinance and 7 copies
• 1 Emailed copy of the ordinance to the Agenda Coordinator
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically (memorandum, ordinance)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing form / original + 19 cover memos / original + 14 ordinances / 1 Email copy / 1 FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
C. Resolutions
• A resolution is one of several ways the Board of Supervisors can take official action on behalf of the county. In contrast with ordinances, which are the equivalent of local laws or statutes, resolutions are used for actions that are less formal and often more temporary.
• Do not submit the signature page on Resolutions. These are affixed after adoption.
• The title of the resolution should match the language included in the recommendation of the cover memorandum.
• When amending a resolution, reference the original resolution’s number. See the example below:
WHEREAS, on August 3, 2003, the Board of Supervisors, by Resolution Number 066514 approved an Agreement in the amount of $200,000, for the term of August 15, 2003 to August 15, 2004, with Unisys Corporation to provide the Human Services Agency with design and installation of data/voice wiring at Quarry Road; and
• In a case where the Board is being asked to authorize the execution of a contract, the authorizing resolution should specify the services to be provided, the contract term and the amount of the contract. See the example below:
WHEREAS, both parties now wish to enter into an Agreement, to provide XXX services for the period of contract start date to contract end date, for a total obligation of $_____ ; and
• In a case where the Board is being asked to authorize the execution of a contract amendment increasing the contract amount, the resolution should reference the services that are being provided in exchange for the additional funding, the amount the contract is being increased, and the revised contract amount. The services may
include new services, increased volume of existing services, or an extension of the term for which the services are provided. See the example below:
WHEREAS, both parties now wish to amend the Agreement, to provide XXX services to increase the amount by $_____ , for a total obligation of $_____ (XXX should include a description of the additional services being provided in exchange for additional money); and
• If a Request for Proposal (RFP) waiver is requested, the resolution authorizing execution of the contract should also include a waiver of the RFP process. The reasons why the waiver is in the best interest of the County should be stated in one of the “ Whereas Clauses” of the resolution, and the actual approval of the waiver of the RFP process should be stated in the “Now Therefore It Is Hereby Determined And Ordered” section of the resolution.
• Departments should consult their assigned County Counsel representative for guidance in creating Resolution language.
• Required packet items for a Resolution only:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include the memorandum and the resolution
• 1 Original resolution and 5 copies
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically (memorandum, resolution)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing form / original + 19 cover memos / original + 12 resolutions / 1 FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
D. Agreements
• All agreements and amendments must be accompanied by a resolution.
• The agreement should be signed by the contractor (with the exception of some state, federal, other county or city contracts) before submission.
• If a department needs original signatures returned after execution, they must include additional original documents in the agenda packet.
• Do not fill in the ‘entered into’ date on the front page of the agreement. This must be completed by the Agenda Clerk.
• Grants and other agreements must include a signature line for the President of the Board. The approved format is:
By: _________________
[Type President’s Name]
President, Board of Supervisors, San Mateo County
Date: ______________
• The agreement must include the Board-approved language for the enforcement of the County’s non-discrimination clause. If modifications to this language are made or a waiver requested, County Manager approval must be obtained prior to submittal of the agenda item to the Clerk of the Board’s Office. Any waiver or modification to the non-discrimination clause must be addressed in the Discussion section of the cover memorandum.
• If contractor is not in compliance with the County’s Equal Benefits Ordinance or the Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance, a waiver must be obtained from the County Manager. The approved waiver form must be included in the agenda packet. Departments should address the waiver in the Discussion section of the cover memorandum.
• Departments requiring additional information on preparing agreements should refer to Administrative Memo B-1: Selection of Independent Contractors and the County’s Contract Handbook. A board memo template for agreements can be found on the Clerk of the Board’s intranet website and in the Contract Handbook.
• Required packet items for an Agreement:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include memorandum, resolution, agreement, Contractor’s Declaration form, insurance certificates, and any waivers (if applicable); A W-9 Form (if needed) should only be included in the set marked, “Controller’s Office.”
• 1 Original resolution and 5 copies
• 1 Original agreement (includes the contract and its attachments), a copy for the Controller and any additional copies to be returned to the department and the contractor. Departments are responsible for forwarding a copy of the executed agreement to the Controller. The Clerk of the Board’s Office keeps the original agreement for the official record. If a department needs original signatures returned after execution, they must include additional original documents in the agenda packet.
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically including: memorandum, resolution, agreement, Equal Benefits Declaration form or non-discrimination clause waivers (if needed)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing form / original + 19 cover memos / original + 12 resolution / original + 8 + amount Department needs back of agreements / 1 FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
E. Appropriation Transfer Requests
• All ATRs must be approved by the Controller and included in the Agenda packet submitted to the Clerk of the Board.
• ATRs Requiring Board Action: Four types of ATRs always require Board approval: (1) transfers between budget units; (2) transfers greater than $50,000 within budget units; (3) receipt of unanticipated revenue regardless of amount; or (4) use of contingencies/reserves. Three types of appropriations require 4/5ths Board approval: Appropriation from contingencies; increasing appropriations due to over- realized revenues; and designations and reserves no longer required for the purpose for which they were intended.
• ATRs Not Requiring Board Action: Transfers of less than $50,000 which move money between objects in the same budget unit do not need to be approved by the Board. The Board has delegated the authority to approve ATRs under $50,000 within a single budget unit to the County Manager. Refer to Administrative Memorandum B-15 for more information regarding appropriation authority.
• Before the Agenda packet is submitted, departments must submit the original ATR with four copies of the memorandum attached to the Controller’s Office for signature. The Controller will then return the ATR to the Department for submittal to the County Manager’s Office.
• For items which only recommend approval of an ATR and contain no other recommendations, a separate resolution is not required since one is included in the ATR form.
• Required packet items for an ATR only:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original ATR, with four copies of memorandum attached
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include memorandum and copy of the approved ATR
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically (memorandum, ATR)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing / original + 23 cover memos / original + 7 ATRs / 1
FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
• Required packet items for an ATR with a salary ordinance:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original ATR with four copies of memorandum attached
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include memorandum, ATR and salary ordinance
• 1 Original salary ordinance and 7 copies
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically (memorandum, salary ordinance, ATR)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing / original + 23 cover memos / original + 7 ATR’s / original + 14 salary ordinances / 1 FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
• Required packet items for an ATR with an Agreement:
• 1 Completed Request for Agenda Listing form
• 1 Original ATR with four copies of memorandum attached
• 1 Original memorandum and 12 copies
• 7 sets to include the memorandum, ATR, agreement, resolution (for agreement), Contractor’s Declaration form, insurance certificates, and any waivers (if applicable)
• 1 Original resolution and 5 copies
• 1 Original agreement (includes the contract and its attachments), a copy for the Controller and any additional copies to be returned to the department and the contractor. Departments are responsible for forwarding a copy of the executed agreement to the Controller. The Clerk of the Board’s Office keeps the original agreement for the official record. If a department needs original signatures returned after execution, they must include additional original documents in the agenda packet.
• 1 FileNet copy submitted electronically (memorandum, resolution, agreement, ATR)
• 1 Full set for County Manager Analyst
Total: 1 Request for Agenda Listing / original + 23 cover memos / original + 7 ATR’s / 1 original agreement + 8 + amount Department needs back of agreements / 1 resolution +
5 copies / 1 FileNet copy (electronic) / 1 County Manager Analyst copy
F. Proclamations and Honorary Resolutions
• Departments must submit these requests to the President of the Board of Supervisors for processing and Agenda listing.
G. Summary of Agenda Packet Requirements
Agenda Packet Guidelines
Number of Copies | Name of Document | Description |
1 | Request for Agenda Listing | Any color except black or white |
1 | Original Memo | Single sided |
12 | Memo Copies | Double sided |
1 | Original Resolution | Single sided |
5 | Resolution Copies | Copies should be attached to the original resolution and double sided. If your department needs extra copies returned, please provide. |
1 | Original Ordinance | Single sided |
7 | Ordinance Copies | Copies should be attached to the original ordinance and double sided. If your department needs extra copies returned, please provide. |
1 | Original ATR | 4 copies of the memorandum need to be attached to the ATR. This is in addition to the 22 copies mentioned earlier. |
1 | Original Agreement | The Clerk of the Board will keep this copy for the County’s records. |
1 | Copy of Agreement | This copy is sent to the Controller’s Office by the listing Department. Please provide any additional originals or copies you need returned. |
7 | Partial Sets | Includes: Memorandum, resolution, ordinance, ATR and Scope of Work (Applies to agreements only), double sided, three hole punched and stapled. |
3 | Full Sets | Includes: Memorandum, resolution, ordinance, ATR, agreement and any attachments, double sided, three hole punched and stapled. All Social Security numbers must be removed. Do not include W-9 forms. These copies are distributed to the County Manager, Assistant County Manager and the department Analyst |
1 | Applies to all documents | FileNET copy submitted electronically. If an attachment is not to be posted electronically, a message will be posted on the website Agenda indicating, “Copies are available in the Clerk of the Board’s Office.” |
Revised August 7, 2007