If the position of an employee is abolished and the employee is unable to displace another employee within their department as defined and in accordance with the rules of the Civil Service Commission, the employee shall receive reimbursement as follows:

  • one week of pay for each full year (2080 hours) of regular service to the County,
  • fifty percent (50%) of the cash value of the employee’s unused sick leave, and,
  • the County will continue to pay its share of health premiums for a period not to exceed nine (9) months contingent on the employee continuing to pay their share
  • the County will reimburse the employee up to four thousand dollars ($4,000) for tuition or fees in payment for accredited courses or training taken within twelve (12) months of layoff, and taken for the purpose of finding new employment;

provided, however that such employee shall be eligible for this reimbursement only if the employee remains in the service of the County until the services are no longer required by the department head. If the County secures comparable employment for the displaced employee in another department, the employee is not entitled to the severance payment. Employees accepting the payment relinquish the right to have their names placed on reemployment eligible lists.
