The Union shall be allowed by a County department, in which it represents extra-help employees, use of a designated bulletin board space for communications having to do with official organization business. The department involved and/or Employee and Labor Relations will investigate problems that the Union identifies with respect to use of these bulletin boards.

The Union may distribute materials to extra-help employees within the unit it represents through County mail and email distribution channels if approved by Employee and Labor Relations. This privilege may be revoked in the event of abuse after Employee and Labor Relations consults with representatives of the Union.  The content of any materials distributed to employees shall not relate to political activity or violate existing County policies.  Employees shall not prepare Union-related emails during County work time without first obtaining approved release time.

Any representative of the Union shall give notice to Employee and Labor Relations at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance when contacting departmental extra-help during the duty period of extra-help employee, provided that solicitation for membership or other internal employee organization business shall be conducted only during the non-duty hours of all employees concerned. Pre-arrangement for routine contact may be made by agreement between the Union and the department head and when made shall continue until revoked.
