The Union shall designate a reasonable number of extra-help Stewards to assist in resolving grievances. The designation will depend on such circumstances as geographical locations, hours of employment, and departmental organizational structure. The Union shall notify the Director of Human Resources in writing of the individuals so designated. Alternates may be designated to perform steward functions only during the absence or unavailability of the stewards except by mutual agreement of the parties.
Extra-help stewards may be relieved from their assigned work duties by their supervisors to investigate and process grievances initiated by other extra-help employees within the same work area or representation unit. Requests for release time shall not be denied unreasonably. Extra-help stewards shall promptly report to the Union any grievances which may arise and cannot be adjusted on the job. Supervisory extra-help employees shall not represent non-supervisory extra-help employees in a grievance procedure where such activity might result in a conflict of interest. Neither an extra-help steward nor the Union shall order any changes, and no change shall be made except with the consent of the appropriate department heads. If an extra-help steward is relieved from his/her duties to investigate and process a grievance, other stewards shall not be released for that grievance.
Whenever an extra-help employee is required to meet with a supervisor and the extra-help employee reasonably anticipates that such meeting will involve questioning leading to disciplinary action, he/she shall be entitled to have a steward present if he/she so requests. Only one steward may attend such meetings. It is not the intention of this provision to allow the presence of a steward during the initial discussion(s) of an extra-help employee’s performance evaluation.