The employee should submit a “Leave of Absence Request Form” to his/her supervisor, who will review the request, sign the form, and submit it to the Department Head or Division Director. For medical leave of absence requests, a statement from the employee’s physician indicating what period of time the employee will be unable to work must be attached. Please contact Employee & Labor Relations for guidance if you are having difficulty obtaining a completed “Leave of Absence Request Form” from the employee. The Department Head or Division Director will either approve or deny the request, keeping in mind that those eligible employees with FMLA/CFRA-qualified requests cannot be denied.
If the request for leave is denied, the Department Head/Division Director returns the form to the supervisor, who then returns the form to the employee. Denial of requested leave in whole or in part at the Department Head level may be appealed by the employee to the Human Resources Director, whose decision is final.
If the request for leave is approved, the Department Head/Division Director signs the form and sends it to the County’s ADA/TWA/LOA Coordinator at HRD-163. Upon receipt, he/she shall review the request for compliance with Ordinance requirements and FMLA/CFRA eligibility. The ADA/TWA/LOA Coordinator then provides the Department Head/Division Director with a draft letter and a copy of the approved “Leave of Absence Request Form” to send to the employee notifying him/her that the leave has been approved. It is important that the employee be sent this letter as quickly as possible, as it provides information regarding FMLA/CFRA eligibility, the date the leave of absence ends, any requirements that must be met prior to returning back to work, and other instructions. The Department Head/Division Director also sends a copy of the employee’s letter to the Civil Service personnel file, and to the department’s Payroll/Personnel Services Specialist.