The main benefit for regular County employees is that the County continues to pay its share of the health insurance cost premium for up to 12 weeks while the employee is on this type of leave, while the employee pays only his/her usual cost. Extra Help employees are not eligible for this benefit since the County does not make a contribution to health coverage for them. It is important to encourage employees to discuss all benefit issues with the Benefits Division of the Human Resources Department whenever they will be out on an unpaid status.
County policy already requires the County to return regular employees to the same or similar position, so FMLA/CFRA does not provide any additional reinstatement rights. Extra Help employees who are eligible for and request an FMLA/CFRA leave of absence are entitled to return to the same or similar Extra Help assignment. This is an additional right for them.
Absences that qualify for FMLA/CFRA cannot be counted as part of an absenteeism control policy.