No. Vacation leave is requested in advance and approved or denied by the supervisor or manager based on such factors as workload and office coverage. The important thing is to be consistent with all employees, use the same considerations when making decisions on requests, and base all decisions on work related issues.
However, please be aware that the Family School Partnership Act allows an employee who is a parent, guardian or custodial grandparent with children in a licensed day care facility or in Kindergarten through 12th grade to take up to 40 hours a year to participate in day care or school activities. The employee may use vacation, compensatory or holiday time to take time off to attend these activities. The employee must still provide reasonable advance notice to the employer, and the employer is only required to provide up to 8 hours of time off in any given calendar month. Additionally, employers are allowed to request written proof from the school verifying that the employee participated in school activities on the specified date and time.