A New Employee Onboarding website was created as a source for Managers/Supervisors and new hires as a single source for storing all of the onboarding tools and resources including the guides and checklists, as well as helpful links to benefits, policies, and employee program resources. The website (http://hr.smcgov.org/onboarding) is accessible to new hires in advance of their start date.
With the launch of Workday in April 2015, Many of the paper forms that were required when an employee was hired have been automated. New hires can now complete personnel information, elect benefits, enter direct deposit information, and read and acknowledge county-wise policies in Workday.
The County also offers a Supervisors’ Online Support (SOS) page (http://intranet.co.sanmateo.ca.us/sos/) which offers key tools such as performance management and training and development options. For offboarding, the County has an Employee Separation Checklist. You can access the Employee Separation Checklist on the County’s intranet homepage by selecting it from the County Forms list.
At this time the onboarding and offboarding process varies from department to department. The County is currently working on County-wide onboarding and offboarding features as part of the Workday project.