The County’s Leave of Absence Request Form can be accessed online at:
There are several kinds of leaves of absence, and each has prerequisites, time limits, and limited bases upon which it can be granted. The purpose of this Section is not to define all of the leave of absence terms and conditions, but to provide general information about the three types of leave that employees most often request:
- Leave of Absence for Illness or Injury (Medical Leave)
- Parental Leave
- Leave of Absence for Personal Reasons
Please call the County’s ADA/TWA/LOA Coordinator at 363-4738 if you have any questions regarding leaves of absence.
If you have questions about Disability Leaves of Absence under the Worker’s Compensation Program, please contact the County’s Worker’s Compensation Coordinator at 363-4612 with your specific question.
The following are answers to the most frequently asked questions pertaining to Leaves of Absence: