Employees in the Supervising Deputy Coroner and Deputy Coroner class who have successfully completed a probationary period of one of those classes and hold permanent status, shall be eligible to receive an incentive equating to two and one-half percent (2.5%) of base pay per biweekly pay period in addition to all other compensation if they possess the intermediate Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Certificate, or five percent (5%) of base pay per biweekly pay period if they possess the Advanced POST Certificate issued by the Commission of Peace Officer Standards and Training of the California State Department of Justice. Effective the first full pay period following Board of Supervisors’ approval of a successor MOU, the Advanced POST Certificate incentive shall be increased to seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of base pay per biweekly pay period. The permanent status requirement shall not apply to probationary employees who have laterally transferred to San Mateo County positions from other jurisdictions.
Supervising Criminalists and Criminalists who provide documentation that they possess a certification from the American Board of Criminalists, a certification from the American Board of Forensic Toxicology, a Firearms Evidence and Identification certification from the Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners, or a Latent Print certification from the International Association for Identification shall receive a certification differential in the amount of five percent (5%) for as long as they maintain said certification.
Supervising Criminalists, and Criminalists who provide documentation that they possess a Crime Scene certification from the International Association for Identification shall receive a certification differential in the amount of two and one-half percent (2.5%) for as long as they maintain said certification. The maximum allowable certification differential is seven and one-half percent (7.5%).