17.1 Vacation Allowance
Employees are entitled to accrual of vacation time off with pay in accordance with the following schedule. Part-time employees are entitled to vacation accruals on a prorated basis.
Effective the first full pay period following Board approval of a successor MOU in 2022, vacation accrual shall be as follows:
- During the first five (5) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of four (4) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
- After the completion of five (5) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of five (5) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
- After the completion of ten (10) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of six (6) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
- After the completion of fifteen (15) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of seven (7) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
- After the completion of twenty (20) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of eight (8) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
- After completion of twenty-five (25) years of continuous service, vacation will be accrued at the rate of nine (9) hours per biweekly pay period worked.
No employee will be allowed to accumulate more than the amount of vacation leave that that can be accumulated in fifty-two (52) biweekly pay periods to their credit at any one time. However, workers may accrue unlimited vacation time in excess of the maximum allowance when such vacation accrues because of remaining in a pay status during periods of illness or injury which precluded liquidating vacation credits earned in excess of the maximum allowed.
Vacation leave will not accrue until completion of thirteen (13) biweekly pay periods of initial County service.
Vacation may be used in increments of six (6) minutes.