The County and the Union shall continue to work on best practices to ensure labor access to new employees for the purpose of educating them on their representation opportunities. Toward that goal, the County shall administer an opportunity for the PDA to meet with new employees as follows:
All new employees are encouraged to attend the first new employee orientation following the commencement of their employment. New employee orientation is scheduled for every other Monday, and the PDA shall have up to thirty (30) minutes at the end of each new employee benefits orientation session to provide information regarding its organization to represented employees and members. One steward may be granted release time for this purpose.
For employees who do not attend a new employee orientation within the first month of their employment, the PDA may schedule, at the new employee’s supervisor’s discretion, up to thirty (30) minutes with each employee to meet directly with them to provide information. Release Time requested for this activity will be reviewed and approved by Director of Human Resources under normal Release Time processes.