Department Transfer Policy
Attached is the Probation Department Transfer Policy. The parties agree that application and interpretation of this policy is subject to the negotiated grievance process. The parties further agree that the Department retains the right to amend, suspend or terminate this policy in accordance with the provisions set forth in the attached policy. The parties agree that, prior to implementing any decision to amend, suspend or terminate this policy, the Department will meet and confer in good faith with PDA about the proposed change.
Probation Department _______________________ Probation & Detention Association ______________________
Department Transfers – Initiated by Staff
All department staff is encouraged to increase their professional development and job satisfaction through transfer or reassignment to other functions consistent with the needs of the Department, the courts and clients. This includes inter-service and intra-service reassignments and transfers. By this policy, it is not the intent of the Chief Probation Officer mandatorily or arbitrarily to invoke a system of periodic individual or group transfers or reassignments throughout the Department.
Deputy Probation Officers within their first four years of employment and Group Supervisors within their first two years of employment are exempted from this policy for purposes of training and development within their job classification. The term of assignment commences upon the date assignment is made.
Reassignment is the designation of an employee to perform specific tasks within the same work site consistent with agency expectations and does not involve relocation to another district and/or geographical location. Reassignment also refers to change in service assignment, Investigation to Supervision, Adult to Juvenile.
Transfer is the designation of an employee to physically relocate from one work site to another work site in a different district.
Involuntary refers to a transfer based on agency needs without the employee’s concurrence.
Voluntary refers to a transfer based on employee request or concurrence.
Vacancy is a vacant position without an incumbent. This normally occurs by the retirement, resignation or termination of the incumbent or by the initiation of a new program.
A. Staff at any level may request transfer to any position within the Department for which current employment classification qualifies him/her. Those requesting transfers may identify the positions(s) in which they have an interest.
B. Each Deputy Chief Probation Officer shall establish a list of transfer or reassignment requests directed to him. These requests will be considered annually whether or not a vacancy exists.
- All requests will be reviewed by the Deputy Chiefs involved.
- Transfer and reassignment requests must be submitted by the last work day of April to be included for the annual May transfer consideration. Every effort will be made to implement transfers at the beginning of the first pay period in July.
C. The Department will make an effort to accommodate the person’s request for transfer and will take note of requests for reassignment.
D. The Department will make an effort to accommodate the involuntarily transferred person’s request for future transfer by giving him/her first consideration when he/she qualifies for another transfer.
Staff requesting transfer must have:
A. Two years of continuous work in their present assignment if they are in a Probation Officer category. Because of the nature of the Group Supervisor position, they must have at least one year of continuous work in that present assignment.
B. A standard, or better, performance evaluation in present assignment.
a. Staff are encouraged to submit a request for transfer or reassignment when they have determined that they are interested in a different job experience. When you desire a transfer or reassignment and meet the requirements, you are responsible to initiate discussion to any location within the Department having positions comparable to yours.
b. Submit your request for transfer or reassignment in writing using the department form. Direct your request to the Deputy Chief of the service to which you wish to transfer. Send a copy to your present Deputy Chief(s) through the chain of command. State your reasons for request for transfer; briefly outline work experience and qualities you feel you have which will help in your new assignment.
c. The Deputy Chief(s) involved will place the person’s name on a list of those interested in transferring to be acted upon when a need exists.
d. Submit a written request for reassignment only to your Deputy Chief through the chain of command.
e. When a need exists, and there are inter-service requests involved, the Deputy Chief shall notify other Deputy Chiefs having staff on the transfer list. In inter-service transfers, the Supervisor will be asked to update the person’s personnel file, including an updated evaluation of work performance. The receiving Deputy Chief will consider all persons on the transfer and reassignment lists when filling the need.
f. When a vacancy occurs by departure of a staff member, the Deputy Chief of the Service will first review transfer and reassignment applications on file. If no relevant applications are on file, the Deputy Chief will publish the opening for voluntary transfer or reassignment. Should there be no voluntary requests, and if the position cannot be filled by a new hire, the Deputy Chief will proceed to fill the position through the involuntary transfer policy.
g. When a vacancy occurs as the result of the creation of a new program, the Deputy Chief will publish the opening(s) for voluntary transfer or reassignment. Should there be no voluntary requests, the policy on involuntary transfers will be used if the position cannot be filled by a new hire.
h. If a request is for transfer to an assignment currently filled, the request will be honored as soon as management concludes that it can be accomplished. All parties will be notified of request status on a regular basis. The person must qualify for the desired assignment. The current occupant of the position must have been in that assignment three years if it is a Probation Officer position, or two years if it is a group supervisor position. The needs of the agency must be met, and other factors will be considered.
i. The need for an involuntary transfer will be clarified by the Chief Probation Officer or designee in writing and communicated to the Union prior to implementation. If the current occupant is “involuntarily displaced” by transfer, that person shall be given first consideration when he/she qualifies for another transfer.
j. If a request is not granted, the Deputy Chief making the decision will respond to the person who submitted the request. The person may withdraw his/her name from further consideration.
Factors to be Considered
The following listed factors are not a prioritized ranking. In cases where factors being considered are relatively equal in most respects, then seniority will be heavily weighted:
- Service needs to Court, client and community
- Administrative mandates.
- Professional growth and development.
- Preference of staff involved.
- Length of time in and nature of current assignment.
- Seniority as determined by total, continuous department service.
Departmental Transfers – Initiated by Management
All departmental staff are subject to transfer or reassignment consistent with the needs of the Department and clients and to increase professional development and job satisfaction.
Involuntary transfers will be used infrequently and usually after seeking volunteers. By this policy, it is not the intent of the Chief Probation Officer mandatorily or arbitrarily to invoke a system of periodic individual or group transfers or reassignments throughout the Department.
Two employee categories are exempted from the involuntary transfer policy as follows:
A. An incumbent with less than three years in assignment will not normally be involuntarily displaced unless needs of the Department dictate otherwise and/or circumstances exist where the nature of the assignment requires special knowledge, skills and competence. Newer employees are not normally expected to backfill key assignments which require special knowledge skills and competence.
B. Employees with twenty years of continuous service in the Department are exempted from involuntary geographical transfer, provided that they have held three or more various assignments during prior years of service and provided that no more than 75% of staff within their work unit comes under this exemption.
The requirement of three or more various assignments shall apply only to persons hired after January 1, 1985. Total Department seniority will apply to circumstances wherein more than 75% of unit staff is exempted.
Factors to be Considered
The following listed factors are not a prioritized ranking. In cases where factors being considered are relatively equal in most respects, then seniority will be heavily weighted.
- Efficient management of Departmental workloads.
- Service needs to Court, client and community.
- Fiscal constraints.Professional growth and development. Special skills.
- Length of time in current assignment.
- Seniority as determined by total, continuous Department service.
- Legislative requirements.
In any circumstance, which may dictate the agency need to invoke involuntary transfer, those staff who do not come under exemption will be considered. The longevity in assignment will be a primary factor.
Because of Departmental needs, it may be necessary to modify the above requirements. Such exceptions should occur infrequently and for good cause only. Should such a modification of the above factors be necessary, it will be communicated to the parties involved prior to implementation of the planned transfer, and the Union will be advised. In the event of extreme disaster, severe budget restrictions and/or reductions in staffing, all exemptions and exceptions set forth in this policy statement are withdrawn and removed.
Contents of this policy statement will not apply to shift assignment or units within Institution Services and shall be applicable only to geographical transfer for staff in the Group Supervisor series.
Revised: 1/14/21