Group Supervisor Reassignment Policy
To meet the public service needs of the Department and promote the career development of staff through a process that allows staff to obtain a broad base of experience and provides the Department with Institution staff who have extensive background, skills and knowledge.
Voluntary Reassignment
Voluntary- Initiated at the employees’ request.
All employees are encouraged to submit their assignment preferences indicating up to three choices, including geographical preference. Employees are eligible to apply for voluntary reassignment regardless of time in their current assignment once they complete their probationary period. Preference will be given to employees with twelve (12) or more months in their current assignment.
Institutions Division personnel are also eligible for transfer to equivalent Group Supervisor positions in the Adult and Juvenile Probation Services Divisions.
Involuntary Reassignment
Involuntary/Administrative – Initiated by Administration/Management.
Management has the responsibility and authority to reassign employees at any time to accommodate Department needs[1] regardless of employees’ time in position and/or employee preferences. Management will advise PDA of involuntarily transfers.
In cases of involuntary transfer selection will be based on reverse seniority[2]. If this order of transfer is not followed management and union will meet and confer. Final decision will remain with the Chief Probation Officer. If a person is involuntarily transferred that person shall be given first consideration when they qualify for another transfer.
The department will only involuntarily transfer[3] staff due to serious departmental need as determined by the Chief Probation Officer.
Assignment Preference Form An Assignment Preference Form (APF) can be submitted to the Deputy Chief of Institutions at any time. The Deputy Chief will maintain a file with all current APFs. Staff may have only one APF on file at any given time. Every six months the Deputy Chief of Institutions shall update the Assignment Preference Form file.
[1] For example, unit stability and safety, CSA staffing standards, staff emergency, staff development or family leave accommodation.
[2] Reverse seniority means that the person who was hired into San Mateo County last will be the first to be considered for transfer.
[3] The Probation and Detention Association MOU defines a transfer as a movement of an individual to a different geographic location.
Each of the following guidelines are to be considered in evaluating reassignments:
1. The specialized skills and/or specialized training requirements of the position.
2. Employee’s skill, experience and career development needs.
3. Employee’s requested assignment preference (if available).
4. Performance concerns and level of supervision required.
5. Employee seniority based on their start date with San Mateo County will be used to separate equal applicants.
Process for Filling Vacancies
1. When a vacancy occurs, the Director of that institution will review Assignment Preference Forms currently on file and in consultation with the DCPO of Institutions determine if a selection can be made.
2. If the Director elects not to select an individual from those who expressed interest in the assignment or if no staff expresses interest, the Division Director may solicit memos of interest from all employees within the vacated classification. If the Division Director chooses not to select an employee who submitted a memo of interest, the Deputy Chief Probation Officer shall decide between an administrative/ involuntary reassignment and a new hire to fill the position. The Director shall respond verbally to any applicant who expressed interest and was not chosen identifying the reasons for the decision[1].
3. When the development of a new program or function results in the creation of a position(s), the DCPO or designee will send a notification to employees within that classification describing the position and soliciting memos of interest. The selection shall be made in accordance with the guidelines outlined above in sections 1 and 2.
Two Year Reassignment Recommendations
Every two (2) years staff will be subject to reassignment within all Institutions Division assignments.
Every two (2) years the Directors and Institutional Services Managers shall meet to discuss and submit their reassignment recommendation(s) in agreement with this policy and the PDA MOU. The Division Directors shall submit their final reassignment recommendations to the Deputy Chief for review and approval.
[1] Written reasons for the decision will be on the Assignment Preference Form with training plan to resolve concerns
Applicable Positions
Institutions Division
Margaret Kemp Girls Program
Juvenile Hall Older Boys Unit
Juvenile Hall Younger Boys Unit
Juvenile Hall Girls Unit
Juvenile Hall Mental Health Unit
Juvenile Hall Behavior Management Unit
Juvenile Hall Intake-Probation Management Unit
Gateway & Community Schools[1]
Camp Glenwood
Transportation Unit
Juvenile Probation Services Division
Placement Unit
Juvenile Drug Courts
Preventing Repeat Offender Program
Family Preservation Programs
Adult Probation Services Division
[1] These positions require an ability to work independently with minimal supervision