When considering someone for a position, you need to consider several factors and determine critical background areas for the position.
For line staff, suggested areas include:
- Job knowledge/duties performed
- Quality and Quantity of Work
- Work Habits/Attendance
- Interpersonal Skills
- Initiative shown/Decisions made
- Corrective/Disciplinary actions
- Relationship with supervisors and management personnel
- General conduct (type of behavior)
For supervisory/management positions, suggested areas include:
- Job knowledge/related accomplishments
- Reasons for prior job changes
- Management style
- Personal attributes
- Strengths
- Areas for improvement
- Relationships with direct reports
Guidelines for conducting reference interviews for applicants are:
- Prepare your questions in advance.
- Use a format that will facilitate note-taking.
- Let reference know that information will be kept confidential.
- Be clear and specific.
- Be persuasive and persistent.
- Paraphrase responses back and ask for clarification.
- As you progress through your list of references, focus on areas where concerns and/or gaps of information appear to exist.
- Call reference back if you still have questions.
If the applicant is a current or former County employee, contact Human Resources (phone 363-4343) to schedule an appointment to review the applicant’s Civil Service personnel file in Redwood City. You may also contact your Employee & Labor Relations representative for further guidance.
Occasionally you may receive written or telephonic reference checks requesting information about current or former employees.