Inter-Departmental Correspondence
DATE: June 12, 2003
TO: Department/Division Directors
FROM: Mary Welch, Employee and Public Services Director
SUBJECT: Restoration of Sick Leave and Advanced Vacation Accruals
On January 29, 2002, the Board of Supervisors. adopted a resolution enabling the County to restore sick leave and grant advanced vacation accruals to former County employees hired on or after January 1, 2002 who are re-hired within two years of separation. On June 10, 2003, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution (attached) enabling the County to restore sick leave and grant advanced vacation accrual to former County employees who are rehired within 5 years for hard-to-fill classifications.
A number of former County employees have expressed an interest in returning to employment with the County. Under the revised program, I am authorized to restore sick leave and grant advanced vacation accrual rates to former County employees as follows:
- The approval must be recommended by the hiring Department Director.
- The receiving employee must be a former County employee who is being re-hired within two years of separation or five years of separation for hard-to-fill classifications.
- Sick leave will be restored at the same amount as the employee had when they separated.
- Vacation accrual rates will be set at the same number of years of service as the employee had when they separated.
cc John L. Maltbie, County Manager Personnel/Payroll Clerks Personnel Analysts
EpmwmmSLAVA03 (02-06-02)