SECTION 1. PROVISION OF JOB PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM: The Director shall establish a system for measuring, reporting, and recording the job performance of County employees. The objectives of this system will include, but not be limited to, assisting supervisors and their employees in measuring progress towards goals, employee development, and recording for possible future use information needed for personnel decisions affecting employees who are evaluated. This system shall apply to all probationary and permanent employees, as well as other employees designated by the Director.
SECTION 2. UTILIZATION OF JOB PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: The Director shall determine the use and significance, if any, of job performance evaluations in determinations regarding examinations, salary increases or decreases, promotions, demotions, transfers, dismissals, suspensions, and order of layoffs.
SECTION 3. REVIEW OF EVALUATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES: Supervisors preparing job performance evaluations shall discuss with employees their evaluations. Employees shall have access to their evaluations on file in their departments and in the office of the Human Resources Department.
SECTION 4. APPEAL OF EVALUATION BY EMPLOYEE: Permanent employees may appeal to the Commission for a review of performance evaluations that are below a standard score or rating set by the Director.
Upon receipt of the request for review, the Commission shall review the facts and order to be taken such action as it deems appropriate.
The review may be accomplished by a fact-finding committee of two or three commissioners appointed by the Chairperson of the Commission, or by the Commission as a whole. If the Commission elects to review the evaluation by use of a fact-finding committee, said committee shall report its findings in writing to the Commission for adoption by the Commission as a whole.
Review, as used in this section, is defined as a fact-finding examination for the purpose of detecting and correcting any abuse of discretion.
Any appeal for review under this section must be received by mail, fax, email or hand delivery by the Director within 14 calendar days of receipt of the below standard evaluation.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as entitling the employee requesting a review of an evaluation to a hearing as provided in Rule XIV.