To: Supervisor
From: Manager
Subject: Letter of Reprimand
This is an official Letter of Reprimand for Discourtesy.
On (date), while in a public forum, you raised your voice towards one of your direct reports. This is unprofessional and will not be tolerated from a supervisor. In addition to staff reporting this incident to me, a patient phoned to report that they were upset by how you treated the employee.
You advised me that you were not pleased with this employee and that you did raise your voice because you felt that was the only way to get through to this employee. This behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
This Letter of Reprimand comes after I have counseled you on this type of behavior before. I have asked that if you need to counsel an employee you take that employee out of the general work area to a more secluded area to conduct your conversations, and you are not to raise your voice. I have advised you that your conduct is unacceptable, yet it continues. Any further instance of misconduct will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
I am directing you to take COUNTY COURSE to support your supervisory skills.
I am also making a job performance referral for you to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), administered by Claremont EAP. They may assist you in resolving any personal difficulties that may be affecting your work. I encourage you to take advantage of this referral by calling Claremont EAP at 1-800-834-3773.
A copy of this letter is being placed in your Civil Service and Departmental personnel files. You may respond in writing to this letter. Should you choose to do so, that response will be made a part of these personnel files.
cc: Department Head
Manager, Title
Donna Vaillancourt, Director, Human Resources Department
Employee & Labor Relations Representative
Civil Service and Departmental Personnel Files