Date: July 31, 2010
To: Janine Jones, Legal Office Services Supervisor
From: Alan Smith, Legal Office Services Manager II
Subject: Letter of Warning – Waste of County Time
Janine, we recently discussed during our July 29th bi-weekly meeting your excessive personal calls. It was brought to your attention that personal phone calls using county time and resources were not permitted. Subsequent to our meeting, in your email response, you also admitted to making personal long-distance calls on county phones. I recognize that you are aware of your part in this, have paid for the calls, and have stated your commitment to changing your conduct.
To summarize, a review of the Station Activity Report from 1/1/10 through 6/30/10 was conducted which indicates phone calls to Boston, Chicago, and Washington DC. These calls were determined to be of a personal nature and during business hours, which may have interfered with your obligation to carry out duties in a timely and effective manner. The combination of lengthy personal phone calls including long-distance calls as well as making them during work hours shows poor judgment and is a waste of County resources.
As a reminder, you are not to wear your Bluetooth during your work hours. Absent an emergency, you are expected to limit your personal calls, both incoming and outgoing, to break and meal periods.
It is each department’s responsibility to ensure appropriate use of county resources. As a Legal Office Services Supervisor, you are expected to use good judgment in carrying out your duties and to set an example for others within the department demonstrating behavior that is above reproach.
I sincerely hope that you will address this issue in a positive manner.
cc: Supervisory File