SUBJECT: Pre-Evaluation Memo
As you have not received a performance evaluation since 200X, I have decided to issue you this pre-evaluation memo in order to make clear the expectations of your position. Although you continue to perform well in certain areas, were you to receive an evaluation today, there are several areas that would be designated either “Unsatisfactory” or “Improvement Needed”. In order to give you an opportunity to show improvement in these areas prior to issuing the formal evaluation, I am giving you this memo outlining my concerns. I will be giving you a formal evaluation in approximately 60 days.
The areas requiring immediate and sustained improvement are:
Quality of Work: Thoroughness & Judgment
We have had numerous discussions regarding your backlog and have discussed those concerns with you, most recently on DATE(S). I have also impressed upon you the importance and requirement in maintaining accurate and comprehensive files. Yet, you continue to fall behind in meeting this expectation.
As a(n) CLASSIFICATION, you are expected to [INSERT DETAILS]
As of DATE, it appears there are approximately X reports overdue. After writing your reports, use spell check and proofread them in order to minimize your errors. When I return reports to you for correction, they are to be submitted in a timely manner to be sent out to families and the doctors. It’s been clear during our follow-up discussions that re-written reports are not being submitted in a timely manner.
Monthly progress notes need to be completed on clients you have seen and must be available at the time of our review. Frequently, it is noted you are late and do not respond to notices asking you to supply notes to the team.
Quantity of Work: Amount of Work Performed & Work Completed on Schedule
As of DATE, your current productivity percentage was XX%. Since that date, we have transferred X of your cases to another staff member, yet your percentage is now XX%. The expected percentage for each CLASSIFICATION is XX%. You have approximately X reports overdue. In our meeting on DATE, you agreed to gather the data for your overdue case reports by close of business the following Friday. You are expected to complete and submit to me the X overdue reports by DATE.
These delays with your case reports are unacceptable. If any other team member were to review your case files, he/she would not have the benefit of knowing its current status and/or the care you have provided to date. This has tremendous impact on the clients we serve and does not satisfy the purpose/mission of our department.
CLASSIFICATION who receive cases transferred by you need to be given current documentation at the time of the transfer. In the past, it has often taken you several weeks and sometimes a month or more to transfer the entire case. Cases that should be closed should be done the same month you have spoken with the client about closing his/her case. When cases are closed due to families moving out of county, the client cannot get therapy until we’ve sent the new county the appropriate chart. Delaying services to a client is unconscionable and is not permitted.
When closed cases remain on the master file, the department is at risk, in particular if an audit takes place.
Adaptability: Performance Under Pressure & Performance with Minimum Instruction
You are expected to perform your duties under general supervision, rather than close supervision. I am concerned about your willingness to complete assignments without repeated requests by me for follow up on progress notes and/or case reports. With your years of experience, you are or should be aware that written documentation is required within a prescribed timeframe. Not documenting these visits in a timely manner is both a liability and concern for the department and San Mateo County.
Work Habits: Observe Work Rules, Application to Work Assignments, Organizational Skills
I have documented in your previous performance evaluations that you have great difficulty in completing required paperwork. I have also not allowed you to take paid vacation time when you were not caught up on your requisite documentation. I will continue to do so until you are current with your case files.
I have also asked that you schedule meetings with me rather than have me contact you for each case requiring clarification. The meetings scheduled rarely start at the original scheduled time and/or date as you typically need an extension to complete the requisite work.
For my part, I have enrolled you in the next “Managing Time Successfully” County course, which will be offered on DATE from TIME a.m. to TIME p.m. at the Captain’s House in Coyote Point Park. Upon completion of the course, I will expect you to brief me in our next scheduled supervision meeting on what you learned in the class and how you will apply it to your work. I would like to see your work habits change so I do not feel the need to review your documentation.
This document will not be placed in your personnel file. The above are ongoing problems that have been discussed with you. Over the next 60 days, I will be working with you to assess your progress in these areas. In order to help achieve this I am going to meet with you weekly, otherwise every other week, beginning the week of DATE for our supervision meetings.
In approximately 60 days, I will provide you with a formal performance evaluation. There will need to be significant improvement in the above areas in order for me to be able to rate you as meeting certain standards of your position.