1. Formal Appeal

Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 38, appeals of permanent workers relating to performance evaluations which are below a standard score or rating set by the Human Resources Director shall go directly to the Civil Service Commission. Upon receipt of the appeal the Commission will review the facts and order such action as it determines is appropriate. Appeals must be filed with the Commission within 10 calendar days after the evaluation’s finalization. No evaluation shall be considered finalized until the worker has been given 10 working days for review and comment.

2. Informal Appeal

Permanent workers may also request an informal appeal of below standard evaluations. At the request of the worker and the union to Employee Relations, a meeting will be arranged in an effort to clarify and, if possible, resolve areas of disagreement. Such meetings will be attended by the worker, their union representative, the worker’s first and second level supervisors, and a representative of the Human Resources Department. Informal appeals may be granted at any time prior to Civil Service Commission review.

3.  Clarification of Probationary Evaluations

Probationary workers are entitled to clarification of below standard evaluations and may request that a union representative be present. All such requests must first be made to the Human Resources Director, or their designee.

For informal Appeals and Clarification of Probationary Evaluations, “union representation” shall mean up to one steward and one union employee as representation. The County will provide release time for only one county employee to provide representation.
