SUBJECT: Property Found at County Facilities


APPROVED: County Manager


DATE: November 5, 1986

The following outlines the procedures to be used in handling lost and found items.

Items with a Value of Less Than $10.00

Lost items which are discovered by a county employee or by a member of the public should be taken to the nearest county office. That office will hold the property for three days and, if unclaimed, the property will be delivered to the.Building Services Unit of the General- Services Department in Redwood City. If necessary, a day service worker from the Building Services Unit can be called (363-4321) to collect the item.

Property with a Value of $10.00 or more

This property will also be turned in to the nearest county office. The property will be held by that department for three days and will then be taken by the department to the police department that has jurisdiction within that area. (e.g., property found in the Hall of Justice will be taken to the Redwood City Police Department, property found at the Chope Hospital will be taken to the San Mateo Police Department). Property found at county facilities in unincorporated areas should be delivered to the Sheriff’s Patrol Division Office in Redwood City. When receiving lost property, the department employee should seek to obtain the name, address, and telephone number of the person turning in the property. This information will be given to the police department so that the property may be turned over to the finder if it is unclaimed. State law, however, stipulates that unclaimed property found in the course of employment by an employee of any public agency shall be sold at public auction and that the proceeds revert to the agency.
