Name Danette Betancourt Title Employee and Labor Relations Department(s) Assessor-Clerk-Recorder, Controllers Office, County Managers Office, Department Assignments, Department of Housing, District Attorneys Office, Employee & Labor Relations, First Five, Human Services Agency, Information Services Dept, Office of Sustainability, Public Safety Communications, Public Works, Real Property, Retirement Office Phone Number 650-454-9320 Email Name Katy Roberts Title Employee and Labor Relations Analyst Department(s) Aging and Adult Services, Correctional Health, Department Assignments, Employee & Labor Relations, IHSS, San Mateo Medical Center - Divisions under COO, Sheriffs Office Phone Number 650-216-8831 Email Name Kim Ferrario Title Employee and Labor Relations Division Manager Department(s) County Counsels Office, Court, Department Assignments, Employee & Labor Relations, Human Resources, Human Resources including Mail Services and Procurement, Portola Valley Phone Number 650-454-9320 Email Name Liz Caserza Title Employee and Labor Relations Analyst Department(s) Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, Department Assignments, Emergency Medical Services, Employee & Labor Relations, Environmental Health, Family Health, Health Administration, Health Coverage Unit, Health IT, LEAP, Project Development Unit, Public Health Policy & Planning, San Mateo Medical Center - Except divisions under COO Phone Number 650-208-0582 Email Name Mandy Singh Title Employee Relations Analyst Department(s) Ag, Weights & Measures, Child Support Services, Coroners Office, Department Assignments, Employee & Labor Relations, Library Services, Parks, Planning, Probation, San Mateo Medical Center - Divisions under CFO, Tax Collector - Treasurer Phone Number 650-474-9100 Email Name Michelle Kuka Title Deputy Director of Human Resources Department(s) Board of Supervisors, Employee & Labor Relations, Human Resources Phone Number 650-474-9433 Email 2015-06-15