SUBJECT: Contracts with Employee Organizations
DATE: February 1, 1984
Department heads and management personnel must contact the Personnel Department or the Employee Relations Officer before participating in any meeting where a business agent or other professional staff member of an employee organization is present.
The intent of this requirement is to provide, either through the county Personnel Department or through consultants, professional assistance in dealing with professional labor representatives.
Changes which· appear desirable in one department could have an undesirable effect elsewhere. Therefore, changes in any of the agreements must be coordinated county-wide. The Personnel Department is responsible for such coordination. All questions, interpretations, or changes in employee contract must be referred to the Personnel
To assist in resolving potential grievances and other employee problems the county permits employee organizations to designate, in writing to the Personnel Director, a reasonable number of employees to act as unit representatives. These county employees may be relieved from their assigned work duties by their super visors to investigate grievances initiated by other employees in the same work area or representation unit.
Although it may be advisable to do so at times, department heads and management personnel are not required to contact the Personnel Director before conferring with unit representatives who are county employees. However, should a business agent. or other professional staff member of an employee organization become involved, the department head should contact the Personnel Department before agreeing to such a meeting.