DATE: November 5, 2006
TO: All Managers
FROM: Casey Echarte, Employee Relations Manager
SUBJECT: Assignment to Work at an Alternative Location
In some circumstances, it may be appropriate during the course of an investigation and/or during the Skelly process for an employee accused of wrongdoing to be kept away from their regular work location.
Unless required by a governing agency, this should be the exception rather than the rule, and discussed with Employee Relations and/or County Counsel prior to implementation. In determining whether to leave the accused employee in their regular work area, assign them to work at home, or to assign them to another location/set of duties, the following issues will be discussed:
- Could the employee hinder the investigation by corrupting data or removing/destroying other evidence?
- Could the employee cause further harm if left in their current position? (e.g. A Social Worker accused of inappropriate behavior with a child)
- Is the employee a potential threat/danger to others?
- Are there other governing agency requirements? (e.g. State requirement to remove a health care employee accused of abuse)
If the department determines to assign the employee to an alternative location, a letter will be given to the employee, informing them of this arrangement, the duration of which will be kept to the shortest amount of time that circumstances warrant.
Inter-Departmental Correspondence
DATE: March 22, 2022
TO: All Management and Supervisory Employees
FROM: Michelle Kuka, Deputy Director of Human Resources
SUBJECT: Employee Relations Bulletin 19 Rest Breaks
It is clear that providing rest breaks is beneficial to both employees and the County.
Full-time employees are allowed one fifteen-minute rest break prior to and after their mid‑shift meal break. Part-time employees are allowed one fifteen-minute rest break during any four hour work shift. For most employees, this equates to a lunch break and two rest breaks ‑ one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The fifteen-minute rest breaks are paid, the mid‑shift meal break is not.
Unusual circumstances may occasionally occur that do not allow employees to be released for rest breaks. Rest breaks cannot be accumulated or “banked” for the purpose of taking longer breaks or leaving work early. If rest breaks are not taken, they are lost. Meal breaks must be no less than 1/2 hour, and cannot be skipped to reduce the workday.
We are also often asked how long an employee may work without being required to take a meal break. Employees are required to take a meal break of no less than 30 minutes if they work more than five hours.