With regards to documentation, managers need to ensure that each supervisor has established a file for each of his/her own direct reports that contains:
- A copy of the employee’s standards and objectives dated as to when they were shared with the employee.
- Procedures or plans for workload reviews, work in process reviews or customer surveys.
- Documented meetings with the employee where internal memoranda or department procedures were introduced and discussed.
- A schedule for periodic meetings with the employee to discuss performance and conduct issues. A supervisor may meet with an employee on a more frequent basis (e.g. weekly) while meeting with other employees in the unit less frequently (e.g. biweekly.)
- Feedback given to the employee, in written form, regarding the employee’s progress in meeting the standards, exceeding them, or their deficiencies.
- A performance appraisal prepared within the last year, which covers one year (unless it was a Special Review or a probationary evaluation.)