22.1 Benefits Committee
During the term of this MOU, the County and Unions shall convene the Benefits Committee for the following purposes:
A. To continue ongoing discussions regarding cost structures as a part of an overall strategy to maintain balanced enrollment in County plans,
B. To investigate the feasibility of revising medical and/or dental coverage and/or plan(s) and strategies to integrate wellness program participation into benefit insurance cost structure, and
C. To address legislative changes to health insurance legislation, including, but not limited to, the Affordable Care Act.
The Benefits Committee will be composed of County and labor representatives, not to exceed two (2) representatives from each participating labor organization and four (4) County representatives.
22.2 Agreement Implementation
Agreements reached as part of the Benefits Committee may be implemented outside of negotiations if employee organizations representing a majority of employees agree, providing, however, all employee organizations are given an opportunity to meet and confer regarding such agreements.