Does Extra Help time count? What if I “bought my extra help time?
Time spent as extra help does not count towards seniority. Purchasing extra help time counts for pension purposes, but not for seniority purposes.Read More →
Time spent as extra help does not count towards seniority. Purchasing extra help time counts for pension purposes, but not for seniority purposes.Read More →
FMLA or, Family Medical Leave, is not a type of leave, but rather a protection Act. There is no time associated with FMLA and it thereforeRead More →
If you are on probation, your prior classification seniority cannot be used in the new classification until you have passed your probationary period.Read More →
No, overtime does not count as seniority hours.Read More →
Time in a regular paid status counts. As long as you are on a paid work related leave, the time does count towards seniority.Read More →
Unclassified time does not count towards seniority.Read More →
The department head will give at least 14 days advance written notice to employees to be laid off unless a shorter period of time isRead More →
No permanent employee shall be laid off while employees working in an extra help, seasonal, temporary, provisional or probationary status are retained in the sameRead More →
(1) Employees who are laid off may take a voluntary demotion within the Sheriff’s Office or District Attorney’s Office to a class in which theRead More →
The names of employees laid off shall be placed on re-employment eligible lists as hereinafter specified. Former employees appointed from a re-employment eligible list shallRead More →
For classified employees, layoffs are conducted in accordance with the Civil Service Commission Rules. For unclassified employees, the department head can implement layoffs based onRead More →
Generally, time spent in an unclassified status does not count in computing seniority in the classified service. If a classified employee takes an unclassified position,Read More →
Voluntary time off reduces your pay rate, not the number of hours you are in a paid status. Therefore, VTO does not affect your seniority.Read More →
Seniority is all “regular” paid hours. This includes 001 time, paid sick leave, vacation, comp and holiday time.Read More →
You will need to talk to Human Resources for an exact determination, as most breaks in County service result in a restart of calculating seniority.Read More →
Post-Employment Rights Layoff (EE does not take a severance) Layoff (EE takes a severance) Voluntary Demotion Involuntary transfer to another position within the department (toRead More →
SECTION 1. WHEN LAY OFFS MAY BE MADE: Any department head may, with the Board of Supervisors approval, lay off employees because of lack ofRead More →
Some of the most commonly asked questions concerning the seniority and layoffs are listed below. This information is a guide, and individual situations should beRead More →
As long as you are in a paid status, the time counts. Once you are in an unpaid status, the time you are out does notRead More →
Ties in seniority are resolved by the examination score for their present classifications, unless another method has been negotiated by your union. Check your MOURead More →
Seniority is the number of hours you have worked for the County.Read More →
Check in with Human Resources if this is the case. The most common reasons are that you had some unpaid time that allowed the otherRead More →