DSA 6.10 Salary Step Defined
For purposes of salary administration in this contract a step is defined as 5.74%.Read More →
For purposes of salary administration in this contract a step is defined as 5.74%.Read More →
Whenever the salary range for a class is revised, such incumbent in a position to which the revised schedule applies shall remain at the stepRead More →
When an employee is promoted from a position in one class to a position in a higher class and at the time of promotion isRead More →
Generally, pay is negotiated by the labor unions and in the MOUs. You should recommend that they speak with their union representative about negotiating aRead More →
The salary ranges for all employees represented by PDA will be as set forth in the Exhibits which are attached hereto and made a partRead More →
Except as herein otherwise provided, the entrance salary for employees entering County service shall be the minimum salary for the class to which appointed. WhenRead More →
Permanent and probationary employees in regular established positions shall be considered on their salary anniversary date for advancement to the next step in the salaryRead More →
When the salary range for a class is revised, incumbents in positions to which the revised schedule applies shall remain at the step in theRead More →
When an employee is promoted from a position in one class to a position in a higher class, and at the time of promotion isRead More →