- Clothing Allowance and Rain Gear
- The County shall pay Fifteen dollars ($15.00) per biweekly pay period to employees in the classifications of Carpenter, Painter, Electrician, Plumber and Locksmith as compensation for purchasing and laundering his/her own work clothes.
- For employees in the Facilities and Construction Services Divisions, the department will provide the following clothing items in July of each year:
Six (6) polo or dress shirts with County logos, or
Twelve (12) t-shirts with County logos
- Shorts will no longer be worn unless they are under coveralls at all times.
- The Department will provide safety rain gear comprised of one (1) jacket with hood, one (1) pair of pants, and one (1) pair of goulashes to each employee in the unit. Any rain gear item will be replaced as necessary when item is no longer serviceable as determined by the Section Manager or the Department Safety Manager, and the old item will be returned to the County. The style and color of rain gear will be decided by the Department. Disputes regarding rain gear allocation shall be subject to appeal to the Department of Public Works Human Resources Manager, whose decision shall be final.
- Tool Allowance
- Effective July 1, 2019, the Department of Public Works and the Union have agreed on a tool allowance for the Equipment Services Worker I/II, the Equipment Mechanic I, II and III series, and the Equipment Mechanic Supervisor of four hundred fifty dollars ($450). The allowance shall be in the form of a reimbursement for actual expenses and such reimbursement shall be made according to procedures developed by the Department. If the employee’s service is terminated for any reason, the Department shall be entitled to a prorated refund for the remainder of the fiscal year, and the County may make the appropriate deduction from the employee’s pay.
- Protective Footwear
- Effective in May 2019, employees in the Road Maintenance Division and the Facilities and Construction Services Divisions who are required to wear safety-toe shoes while performing County job duties shall receive an annual voucher at the Department’s designated supplier for up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). Vouchers may be used to purchase Department approved safety shoes, as well as orthopedic insoles/ support inserts, strings/laces, coatings, and sales tax.
- Footwear must comply with the requirements outlined in paragraph 2 (c) of the “Department of Public Works Maintenance Division Protective/Safety Footwear Policy”.
- Parity With Comparable Classes Represented By AFSCME: The County will maintain parity between the following classifications represented by AFSCME and comparable job classifications represented by Building and Construction Trades Council (BCTC):
AFSCME Classification BCTC Classification
Equipment Mechanic/Operator Parks Equipment Mechanic II
Parks and Open Space Equipment Operator Road Equipment Operator II
Parks Electrician and Maintenance Worker Electrician
In the first full pay period in July of each year, the County shall compare the pay for the above-listed classifications. In the subsequent pay period in July, if the hourly rates for the comparable classifications differ, the County shall adjust the hourly rate of the lower-paid classification to the hourly rate of its comparable classification in the other bargaining unit.