- Qualifying: Only permanent or probationary employees in permanent positions are eligible for leaves of absence without pay under this Section.
- Granting of Leaves of Absence Without Pay: Appointing authorities may grant leave of absence without pay for personal reasons up to a maximum of two biweekly pay periods.
- Leaves of Absence Without Pay for Non-Job Incurred Illness or Injury: Leaves of absence without pay for non-job incurred illness or injury, including disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth and recovery therefore may be granted for a maximum of 26 full biweekly pay periods. Such leaves will be granted only after all accrued sick leave has been used and must be substantiated by a physician’s statement.
- Parental Leave: An employee/parent of either sex may be granted a leave of absence without pay for the purpose of fulfilling parenting responsibilities during the period of one year following the child’s birth, or one year following the filing of application for adoption and actual arrival of child in the home. Such leave shall be for a maximum period of 13 biweekly pay periods. Use of accrued vacation, sick, compensatory time or holiday credits shall not be a pre-condition for the granting of such parental leave.
- Leaves of Absence Without Pay for Personal Reasons: Leaves of absence without pay on account of personal reasons may be granted for a maximum period of 13 full biweekly pay periods. Such leaves shall only be granted after all accrued vacation and holiday credits have been used.