Deputy Sheriff’s Association (DSA)
The Deputy Sheriffs Association (DSA) and representatives of the County of San Mateo have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, hours and otherRead More →
The Deputy Sheriffs Association (DSA) and representatives of the County of San Mateo have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, hours and otherRead More →
The Deputy Sheriffs’ Association, hereinafter referred to as the “DSA”, is the recognized employee organization for this bargaining unit, certified pursuant to Resolution No. 38586,Read More →
For employees who have been: regularly working a shift described in Section 9, and/or assigned to and regularly working a special job assignment enumerated inRead More →
When warranted and in the interest of County operations, the department head may assign employees to “on-call” status. Effective January 31, 2016, employees shall beRead More →
A salary differential of $42.50 biweekly shall be paid incumbents or positions requiring bilingual proficiency as designated by the appointing authority and Human Resources Director.Read More →
Employees may be reimbursed for tuition and related fees paid for taking courses of study in an off-duty status if the subject matter content isRead More →
Employees in the classes of Deputy Sheriff, and District Attorney’s Inspector who have successfully completed a probationary period of one of those classes and holdRead More →
The department head will give at least 14 days advance written notice to employees to be laid off unless a shorter period of time isRead More →
No permanent employee shall be laid off while employees working in an extra help, seasonal, temporary, provisional or probationary status are retained in the sameRead More →
(1) Employees who are laid off may take a voluntary demotion within the Sheriff’s Office or District Attorney’s Office to a class in which theRead More →
The names of employees laid off shall be placed on re-employment eligible lists as hereinafter specified. Former employees appointed from a re-employment eligible list shallRead More →
The provisions of Section 15 shall apply when an occupied position is abolished resulting in a classified employee losing status in their assigned class inRead More →
If an employee‘s position is abolished and they are unable to displace another County employee as provided in Section 15, they shall receive reimbursement ofRead More →
17.1 Regular full-time employees shall receive either eight (8) hours of pay or eight (8) hours of holiday leave for all authorized holidays listed inRead More →
Employees, excluding extra help or as herein otherwise provided, shall be entitled to vacation with pay in accordance with the following schedules. Such accrual shallRead More →
The time at which employees shall be granted vacation shall be at the discretion of the appointing authority. Length of service and seniority of employeesRead More →
When an employee is separated from County service any remaining vacation allowance shall be added to the final compensation.Read More →
Payment for vacation shall be at the base pay of the employee plus applicable differential, if any, as provided in Section 10.Read More →
All employees, except extra help or seasonal, shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 3.7 hours for each biweekly pay period of full-time work.Read More →
Employees are entitled to be paid for sick leave used, to a maximum of the time accrued, under the following conditions: (1) The employee’sRead More →
When the requirement for sick leave is known to the employee in advance of the absence, they shall request authorization for sick leave at suchRead More →
Sick leave may be used in increments no smaller than 6 minutes. Payment for sick leave used shall be at the employee’s base pay plusRead More →
When an employee who has been working in a seasonal or extra help category is appointed to a permanent position they may receive credit forRead More →
If the appointing authority has been informed through a doctor’s report of a medical examination that an employee is not capable of properly performing theirRead More →
An employee who is injured or becomes ill while on vacation may be paid for sick leave in lieu of vacation provided that the employee:Read More →
Leave credits may be transferred from one or more donating employees to another receiving employee under the following conditions: The receiving employee is a permanentRead More →
2.1 Agency Shop A. The Association agrees that it has the duty to provide fair and non-discriminatory representation to all employees in the representationRead More →
The Association may have the regular dues of its members within the representation unit deducted from employees’ paychecks under procedures prescribed by the County Controller.Read More →
The Association shall be allowed by County departments in which it represents employees use of available bulletin board space for communications having to do withRead More →
County buildings and facilities may be made available for use by County employees or the Association or its representatives in accordance with such administrative proceduresRead More →
General Employees shall not be entitled to leaves of absence as a matter of right, but only in accordance with the provisions of law andRead More →
Employees on leaves of absence without pay for more than one month shall not be entitled to payment by the County of their health, dental,Read More →
Authorized absence without pay for either: (1) a leave of absence for personal reasons; (2) a leave of absence on account of illness or injuryRead More →
Job Incurred Disability Leave (1) Job Incurred Disability Leave With Pay Definition: Disability leave with pay is an employee’s absence from duty with pay dueRead More →
Qualifying: Only permanent or probationary employees in permanent positions are eligible for leaves of absence without pay under this Section. Granting of Leaves of AbsenceRead More →
The provisions of the Military and Veterans Code of the State of California shall govern military leave of County employees.Read More →
Upon approval by the department head, any employee, other than extra help or seasonal, shall be permitted absence from duty for appearance in Court becauseRead More →
Refusal of Leave or Failure to Return After Leave: Failure to report for duty after a leave of absence request has been disapproved, revoked orRead More →
Educational leave of absence with pay may be granted to employees under the conditions specified in this Section. In order to be granted educational leaveRead More →
21.1 Me Too Agreement Any agreements reached with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) regarding Hospitalization and Medical Care (Section 21),Read More →
Unless otherwise provided in this MOU, employees whose employment with the County is severed by reason of retirement during the term of this MOU shallRead More →
The County shall contribute a sum equal to ninety percent (90%) of the premium for the County Plan and the Delta Dental Plan for employeesRead More →
The County shall provide Vision care coverage for employees and eligible dependents including young adult dependents and domestic partners. The County will pay the entireRead More →
24.1 During the term of the MOU, the County and the Association shall investigate the feasibility of revising medical and/or dental coverage and/or plan(s) andRead More →
25.1 The County shall provide $50,000 of life insurance for each employee and $2000 of life insurance for the employee’s spouse and up to aRead More →
26.1 Employees in the Sheriff’s Office who must provide their own uniform and equipment shall receive $892.00 per annum in additional compensation to coverRead More →
27.1 Examinations Open Examinations: Any person who meets the minimum qualifications for the job class may compete. General Promotional Examinations: Permanent and probationary employees whoRead More →
These lists shall take precedence over General Eligible Lists. Departmental Promotional Eligible Lists: The names of applicants successful in departmental promotional examinations shall be placedRead More →
Permanent employees who are promoted to a higher class shall undergo the probationary period prescribed for the higher class, but shall have the right toRead More →
Upon reclassification of filled positions, the Human Resources Director shall determine whether the action constitutes an upward, lateral or downward movement of the level ofRead More →
No employee shall be required regularly to perform duties of a position outside of the class to which appointed. However, employees may be assigned temporarilyRead More →
3.1 Release Time for Meet and Confer County employees who are official representatives of the Association shall be given reasonable time off with payRead More →
When an employee has been assigned in writing by the department head or designated representative to perform the work of a permanent position having aRead More →
31.1 Probationary employees shall undergo a probationary period of six (6) months unless a longer period is prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for theirRead More →
The appointing authority may dismiss, suspend, reduce in step or demote any employee in the classified service provided the rules and regulations of the CivilRead More →
33.1 Grievance A grievance is defined as any dispute which involves the interpretation or application of any provision of this MOU, excluding those provisions ofRead More →
The grievance must be filed at either Step 1 or Step 2 within twenty-eight (28) calendar days from the date of the employee’s knowledge ofRead More →
Decisions of arbitrators on matters properly before them shall be final and binding on the parties hereto, to the extent permitted by the Charter ofRead More →
Complaints involving or concerning payment of compensation shall be initially filed in writing with Employee Relations. Only complaints which allege employees are not being compensatedRead More →
Any sworn peace officer in the Sheriff’s Department who believes they have been subjected to a transfer for the purpose of punishment may appeal saidRead More →
34.1 Retirement Plan (a) Employees Hired Before January 8, 2012 Effective January 2, 2005, the County implemented the 3% @ 50 retirement enhancement (Government CodeRead More →
All employees subject to this MOU hired on or after January 8, 2012 will pay fifty percent (50%) of the Retirement COLA cost as determinedRead More →
Subject to applicable federal regulations, the County agrees to provide a deferred compensation plan that allows employees to defer compensation on a pre-tax basis throughRead More →
The County will provide up to two (2) days paid bereavement leave upon the death of an employee’s parents, spouse, domestic partner, child, or step-child.Read More →
Except where modified by this MOU, the County retains the exclusive right to determine the methods, means and personnel by which County government operations areRead More →
There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, legitimate employee organization activities, or on the basis of anyRead More →
On or before the first Monday in April in each year, commencing in the calendar year 2016, and ending in the calendar year 2020, theRead More →
For purposes of salary administration in this contract a step is defined as 5.74%.Read More →
In addition to the salary provisions described in Section 6.1 above, employees in the classifications of Deputy Sheriff, Sheriffs Correctional Officer and District Attorney InspectorRead More →
Whenever the salary range for a class is revised, such incumbent in a position to which the revised schedule applies shall remain at the stepRead More →
When an employee is promoted from a position in one class to a position in a higher class and at the time of promotion isRead More →
An employee in a position reclassified downward shall have the right to either (1) transfer to a vacant position in their present class in theRead More →
When an employee is reclassified downward, he/she shall continue in their present salary range, with cost of living adjustments, for two years, at which pointRead More →
The standard workweek for employees occupying full-time positions consists of 40 hours unless otherwise specified by the Board of Supervisors. The appointing authority shall fixRead More →
All compensable overtime must be authorized by the appointing authority or designated representative prior to being worked. If prior authorization is not feasible due toRead More →
Except as otherwise provided by Charter, or as defined herein, any authorized time worked in excess of a 40 hour weekly work schedule shallRead More →
The Human Resources Director shall allocate all job classes to the following described work groups for purposes of determining categories of employees to be compensatedRead More →
CTO which accrues in excess of eighty (80) hours must be liquidated by monetary payment. Utilization of compensatory time off shall be by mutual agreementRead More →
9.1 Shift differential pay, for the purpose of this Section, is defined as pay at a rate which is one step above the employee‘s baseRead More →
The Association, its members and representatives, agree that it and they will not engage in, authorize, sanction or support any strike, slowdown, stoppage of work,Read More →
Employees assigned to the following assignments shall be paid the hourly equivalent rate of one step in the salary range in addition to allRead More →